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Very Strange
Butorphanol (Torbutrol) & Cannabis
Citation:   br0ken. "Very Strange: An Experience with Butorphanol (Torbutrol) & Cannabis (exp31534)". Mar 5, 2004.

1.25 mg insufflated Pharms - Butorphanol (pill / tablet)
  3.75 mg insufflated Pharms - Butorphanol (pill / tablet)
    insufflated Pharms - Butorphanol (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
Okay, this experience happened roughly a week and a half ago, and my memory is a little shaky. I have a good amount of experience with opiates, particularly oxycontin. My tolerance, however, was at an all time low after a four-month abstinence.

I obtained a bottle of Torbutrol from a veterinarian for administration to my cat. The pills came in 1.25mg pieces (5mg whole). I browsed the web to see what I could dig up on these pills. To my surprise, I found that they are an opiate synthesized from thebaine. I further looked into it, and found that there was a form called 'Stadol' which was an aqueous solution designed for insufflation. I immediately grew anxious to give it a try.

I started by snorting 1/4 of a pill. The burn was bearly noticable, but the drip tasted putrid- about two or three times worse than oxycontin.

I waited a couple of minutes and felt nothing. I then went ahead and bumped the other three quarters.

I proceeded into my room to play Amped, a snowboarding game, on my X-Box. Within a couple of minutes I noticed a warm sensation beginning in my stomach and radiating out into my legs and arms. Soon, I found myself somehow scoring higher than I ever had before, even though I was barely paying attention to what I was doing.

After about ten minutes of X-box, I decided to lay down. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The room was spinning, and I had an awesome warm, jello sensation througout my entire body. It was pretty incredible, for a veterinary medicine.

I was soon walking around socializing, growing a little antsy. I could tell the effects were winding down.

I proceeded to my room and bumped another pill. This time it hit me extremely hard. I light up a bowl and laid on my bed.

I was completely disoriented, and what started out nicely turned dreadful. I had read of the dysphoria associated with high doses, and stupidly I ignored the advise.

I soon was feeling terrible feelings of panic and fear, potentiated by the pot. I had the feeling that everything was out of control. Within thirty minutes I passed out entirely.

What was to follow was the most horrific, hellish, terrible nightmare I have ever experienced. I will never forget it, either.

I was walking through all sorts of hallways and everywhere, there were mutilated corpses hanging from the cieling. There's much more to it, but words fail me.

The bottom line- It was worth the experience. The nightmare was horrible at the time, but bah, it was just a dream. I now sit and try to analyze it and see what I can find. For, in my mind, there is no such thing as a bad trip.

I highly recommend keeping the dosage low, and resisting the temptation to redose.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31534
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2004Views: 44,839
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Pharms - Butorphanol (307), Dreams (85) : Overdose (29), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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