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Nutmeg is a Commitment.
Citation:   K-Razy George. "Nutmeg is a Commitment.: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp3195)". Dec 23, 2001.

15 g oral Nutmeg (powder / crystals)
I've used nutmeg a bunch of times in my days..all were positive experiences. I usually would eat it with ice cream, but after 4 or 5 times of this I would literally start puking just from the smell of it. !!!(nutmeg ISN'T fun to throw up!--usually I go into painful dry heaves first then when it comes up it makes a huge mess)!!! Usually it would take me around 1 hour to eat the nutmeg I was planning on using.

Well I read somewhere about how the effects came on much stronger if you ate it all at I decided to put the nutmeg into pills and eat it. This wasn't as long or as hard as I had previously thought. The only capsules I could get ahold of were Allegra pills, which are pretty dang big. :) Anyway, it took me about 15 minutes to make 16 pills of it. I'm not sure of the exact amount, but it was more than I thought would fit in them(I crammed it in them pretty well). This brings me to another point. Nutmeg is a commitment! Nutmeg is an experience - it's not just for little kiddies who want a totally positive fun time.

Anyway, I took the pills all at once, and waited. The first 3-5 hours, nothing but nutmeg burps. 5-8 hours things look funny, laughing at weird things, things started to sounds weird. Normal nutmeg stuff. 8-12 hours absolutely lost my mind. I went to bed, fell asleep for 15 minutes, then woke up feeling as though I was falling then hitting something, falling then hitting something..over and over again. It was so intense - I ended up huddled in a corner covering myself. Another weird thing was that I felt like I totally lost control of what I was doing with my body, which scared me. I managed to relax and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Anyways. I'm guessing that I took 15 grams considering that I probably only had 20-25g left before I used this dose..and I still had a sizable bit left. I have taken a whole ounce and never felt this intensity before. I'm guessing it was taking it all at the same time, and that I didn't take it with anything else, with the exception of an ice cream sandwich to settle my stomach after I took the pills.

Only 5 - 10 grams of nutmeg is needed before it produces sizable effects...sometimes the most pleasant dose is a low dose considering the wacky effects I got taking a lot of it.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2001Views: 18,574
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Nutmeg (41) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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