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Best Chillout Drug
Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis
Citation:   Adderall, Bud. "Best Chillout Drug: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) & Cannabis (exp32217)". Jan 22, 2019.

80 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Recently, a few people at school were doing adderall, so I wanted to try it. I first tryed snorting two pills, which was ok, but the effect wasnt very good and my nose I decided I'd take the pills orally. I heard from other people that when taken orally, the pills arent as strong, so I decided to take four pills orally the next time I did it so I would get an increased effect (I always start out with a low dosage and move up). I took the four pills reluctantly, and waited for the effects to come on. I walked around a little, watched some T.V., then about an hour later it hit me. Everything looked like it was being fast forwarded, and if I moved around too much I got dizzy. This high was very very cool, but my heart was beating out of my chest. I decided that I needed something to calm me down a little bit, so I went over and made a g-bong with some 2 liter bottle I found a smoked two bowls. Almost immediately, I felt a wave of relaxation and euphoria come over me. Taking Adderall and bud (weed) together was a very very good experience. The Adderall made me feel as though my senses were enhanced, alert, and my life was in fast forward (this was very cool), and the bud made me feel relaxed and euphoric. Adderall and bud is possibly the best friday night-nothing to do chillout drug.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2019Views: 1,939
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