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Fear and Loathing in Brixton
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Mushrooms
by Sam
Citation:   Sam. "Fear and Loathing in Brixton: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Mushrooms (exp32245)". Mar 26, 2004.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    oral Mushrooms  
On taking E and enjoying it a lot a few weeks ago I didn't hesitate in trying it again at another rave. They were also selling nitrous which didn't make me laugh, just gave me a head rush.

Ecstasy takes the longest of all the drugs I've taken to sink in, so I thought I would buy some shrooms to help get me started. A big mistake. People were snorting pure MDMA and coke off the tables, and every other person was smoking a joint, with still more on E. It had a mad atmosphere but it didn't matter. My thoughts were racing, and as I result I became depressed. I also experienced another thing - paranoia. I've thought of myself as quite a level headed guy. I've never been paranoid like that. I knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but my brain would turn my head to look at anyone that moved or turned their head slightly.

I sat down and thought stuff over, feeling guilty that I was dragging down my friends night. When my friends came back from dancing to sit down two pricks who I think were high on coke started being aggressive. I was itching for a fight, very unusual for me, but we moved tables. A strange effect I had never experienced was green auras/light around peoples faces, especially peoples eyes, noses and hairline. Lights were also very bright.

I've learnt my lesson from that night and never plan to eat shrooms on a night out - for me, at least, they are not a social drug.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2004Views: 12,874
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Mushrooms (39), MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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