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Blue Juice
Alcohol & Cannabis
by Hoss
Citation:   Hoss. "Blue Juice: An Experience with Alcohol & Cannabis (exp32270)". Nov 15, 2007.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The night began with an innocent beer. My female friend (we'll call her 'A') had an open house, with nobody due home for the next two days, especially parents. This was, of course, back in the days of high school, when my friends and I still had to hide it from our parents that we liked to party and get drunk/high just as much as they did. The only drinks in the house at the beginning of the night were some cans of Natural Light, so our group made quick work of those almost immediately as we waited for more beer. I had one, as well as A and my guy friends J, M, and D. After about an hour we all began to feel restless, so D and myself left in my car. We drove to a place 15 minutes away where we knew a guy who would sell to us. I believe I was 17 at the time.

While at this sketchy drive-thru, we bought a case of Smirnoff Ice and two cases of Natural Ice, making do with our limited funds. When we returned to the party house there were many more people there than had been present when we left. All in all, about 30 people, few of whom had paid even a dime for the beer. The mad rush on the cases began almost instantly. Luckily, some of us were smart enough to stash our own personal supply away for safe keeping. Around that time I consumed a Smirnoff and three Nati's by means of chugging and drinking games. I started to feel just a little bit off balance and less stressed, but I weigh 200 pounds and was far from drunk.

Now is a good time to mention that I had brought with me more than an eighth-ounce of pot and a small acrylic bong. I had purchased the bong that very day because the night before, at a much more tame party (although it DID end in the drunken host kicking everyone out of his house because he had been tricked into bonging a can of piss) my other one had been stolen. The smoking room was the basement, and between beers my friends, everyone else at the party and I made sure that a constant cloud of dank smoke filled the air. My eyes burned in their sockets they were so bloodshot. I would have been more than happy to call it a night at that point, but there was much more to come. Eventually our older friend R showed up. R had graduated long ago, worked in town still, and was known and liked by pretty much our whole school. Seeing this party going downhill (dry) broke his heart, so he took me, M and J to his apartment nearby to 'stock up'. On the way out, I grabbed and chugged my remaining beer.

The ride to R's house was very surreal. We had the windows down although it was below freezing, and the lights by the side of the road blended together in a continuous flow. At his house, he introduced me to a large jug of Everclear, a 95% grain alcohol drink that is illegal in our home state. M tried to be macho and take the first shot, ending up gagging and gasping for breath over the sink. I knew my limits, so I first poured myself a glass of 'Blue Juice', a concoction of blue Koolaid and Everclear. Let me tell you, although this Blue Juice contained almost 25% alcohol, it tasted like straight Koolaid. Not a trace of alcohol taste. I quickly realized that without proper restraint, this drink could literally kill me.

Feeling very content, I stumbled to a couch in R's living room and waited while J rolled up a fat peach blunt. It went around our circle of four about 10 times, and I was officially shitcanned. Coherent sentences didn't come easy, and I would have failed a roadside sobriety test badly. I was glad it was R driving back to the party, since he had not yet drank. We took with us a 2/3 full jug of Everclear, a 1/2 full jug of Triple Sec and a full pitcher of the blue juice.

It came as a welcome surprise that most of the underclassmen at the party had left when we returned. More booze for us. The bottles went straight to the basement, and I packed another bowl. It is at about this point that my memory began to falter. I definitely recall pouring and downing another glass of Blue Juice, the mixing myself a cocktail of half Capri Sun and half Everclear, which I sipped slowly. A girl I've liked for years showed up at the party and I hit on her, failed, and went back to drinking. Intermingled with my sips of EC/Capri Sun were shots of Triple Sec and straight Everclear. By this point in the early morning I felt no pain, and hardly noticed the sting of almost-pure grain alcohol going down my throat.

At one point, I approached a kid from the grade below me who I never really liked. I always thought he seemed cocky and vain, and at the time I was able to say anything I wanted without the slightest inhibition. I walked up to him and thanked him in a pathetic slur for stealing my bong the previous night. The kid was relatively sober, and shut me up with a snappy comeback. Later, I found that he hadn't stolen my bong, and in true drunk fashion, wandered up to him and apologized emotionally for my actions. In my own head, it seemed like I had all the answers, like I was the most rational person in the house. All this I was thinking while I could barely take a step without stumbling into a wall.

While the bong made its rounds and I kept drinking, my friend D ran into the basment pleading for a condom. He had a chick drunk in one of the bedrooms but had somehow managed to fuck up the rubber he brought with him. R gave him one, and I remember staring into space for many minutes contemplating my jealousy that it wasn't me in his shoes. Later we discovered that D had no recollection of this incident, and the chick he had claimed to be up on swore she made out with D but no more. While I thought with disgust about my being a virgin, I stared straight at (more like through) a line of beer bottles on a coffee table. Suddenly, the arm of my friend M plummeted into the middle of the bottles, scattering them everywhere. He had fallen onto the floor, and wrecked the bottle display in the process. He then stood straight up, walked purposefully to the sink, and vomited in front of everybody. A cheer rose from the group. I laughed maniacally.

Suddenly it dawned on me that I was extremely tired, so I walked to a couch in the center of the basement and stretched out. I fell asleep as soon as I was down, but woke up abruptly to the sound of breaking glass. J was standing in the doorway to the basement, laughing with a kid I didn't know and smashing the beer bottles one by one on the floor. J would throw one, then the other person would hand him another, and he'd throw it. I didn't really believe what I saw, but trying to stand up just resulted in a rush of extreme dizziness and me falling on the floor. I passed out again. An unknown number of hours later, I regained consciousness on the floor of the basement bathroom. I was already hunched over the toilet bowl, and a single Nati Light can bobbed on top of god knows how much vomit. For the next ten minutes, I learned the true volume of my stomach as out poured heave after heave of paint thinner-scented puke. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see J, who was guiding my head over the toilet. This was my last recollection of the night until I woke up mostly sober the next afternoon.

When I woke up I was missing my pants. My boxers were perfectly dry, but my socks and shirt were soaking wet, leading me to believe I was urinated on in the night. Needless to say, A's house was all but destroyed. Among the pile of broken Smirnoff bottles in the corner of her basement, I found my new bong. The largest piece of it left was about as big as a quarter, not counting the stem and bowl, which were located far away from the rest of the shattered device. Also broken was a porcelain cookie jar, the lock on one of the bedroom doors, and every bar stool in her basement (4). How we managed to clean that house up enough in 48 hours to not be busted is beyond me, but we did it. We also learned many important lessons. As the now-infamous Blue Juice had gotten the best of all of us, we learned that Everclear was not a drink to be taken lightly. We also learned to bar people you don't know well from your home when heavy drinking is to take place. Today we still practice these rules, and have not had damage done to anyone's home like that since. I still consider that night the most intense drinking experience of my life.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32270
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2007Views: 9,282
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Alcohol (61) : General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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