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A Good Chill High
Citation:   Franky. "A Good Chill High: An Experience with Codeine (exp32651)". Jan 10, 2020.

30 mg oral Codeine (ground / crushed)
  90 mg oral Codeine (ground / crushed)
My drug past includes: cannabis, mushrooms, oxycodone, hydrocodone, percocet, alcohol, tobacco.

I only use opiates about once every six weeks (got to focus on school--and you don't want to get addicted). After stumbling upon 120 mg of codeine, and since my stash was dry, I decided to check online and give them a chance. Now being in Canada, I didn't have to worry about the extraction, as each pill was purely 15 mg of codeine. Since I didn't know how my body would react, I crushed up 30 mg, put it in a small amount of water and shot it back. I felt the slight buzz. I let this wear off before doing a full dose. I crushed up the last 90 and chugged it back in water. Within 15 minutes, I felt GREAT. The nice cool and numbness of opiates was just what I need. The 90 mg of codeine gave me the same affects as railing 40 mg of hydrocodone. I had no negative side effects at all, though this could be due to the fact I had a small snack prior to taking them.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32651
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2020Views: 1,575
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Codeine (14) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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