No Strong Effects
by Will
Citation:   Will. "No Strong Effects: An Experience with Caffeine (exp32773)". Apr 22, 2004.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:20 250 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
I had never really thought of caffeine as a drug, just something that's in coffee and can be used to supress sleep. Anyway this changed after reading a few reports from users claiming it is a great buzz, very much like a mild speed one, very devastating etc.

I have used alcohol for many years, smoke cannabis when I get the chance and have just started experimenting with hallucogenics. I hadn't yet tried any stimulants and thought caffeine would be a good place to start, so bought a pack of 48 50mg pills from the local chemist. I read the instructions and the recommended amount was 2 pills, so naturally I took 3 (equal to 150mg) and waited for any effects to kick in. After 20 minutes I could feel a very gentle sensation (I'm afraid I cannot describe it as it was very subtle), it was so mild I decided to take 5 more tablets to see if it intensified, and so I swallowed more.

For the next few hours I felt nothing unusual, the effects didn't get stronger. I wasn't really dissapointed, at least I'd tried it out and learnt a little about my own bodily response to another substance. I had taken the first 3 pills at around 3pm, and it was now around 8pm and I felt dizzy. I hadnt suffered this feeling since I was a young child and decided to lay on the floor throughout it. The feeling left after around a hour and I felt fine again. That night I felt too awake to sleep and finally slept at 4am.

I now use caffeine every now and then just to stay awake longer, but that's all it is any use for in my case.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32773
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2004Views: 12,411
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