Sight after Blindness
2C-T-2 & Methamphetamine
Citation:   Tuluvas. "Sight after Blindness: An Experience with 2C-T-2 & Methamphetamine (exp32996)". Apr 6, 2006.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 2C-T-2
  T+ 2:00 1 hit smoked Methamphetamine
6:00 - Took 25 mg of 2-ct-2 orally.

6:50 - Saw flashes out of the corner of my eye and kept turning my head to see what it was coming from.

7:30 - Looking outside I notice every little detail of everything. Everything is intensified by a hundred, I notice smells and see details and hear sounds I had never noticed before.

7:35 - Feeling sick to my stomach, think I am going to die but don't care.

7:55 - Vomit my guts out

8:00 - Take a massive hit of meth for the first time.

8:30 - Feel the meth high taking over the 2c-t-2 high. Since the occasion I have smoked meth a handful of times, and let me say no time was anywhere near as good as the time I did it on 2c-t-2.

9:00 - Relaxed yet very awake and alert

1:00 AM - Can't fall asleep so I start cleaning my house. Three of my friends came over an hour ago and are going to spend the night.

1:30 AM - Still can not sleep so I paint my bedroom

5:00 AM - Force myself to go to sleep. If I tried I could easily have stayed up for the rest of the day.

Over all 2c-t-2 is the best high I have ever had, and mixing it with meth just made it that much better.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32996
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2006Views: 7,873
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2C-T-2 (53), Methamphetamine (37) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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