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Seemed Too Good to Be True
Citation:   South Yarra. "Seemed Too Good to Be True: An Experience with 2C-E (exp33201)". Jul 16, 2004.

10 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
I was not planning to do this drug, as the only other psycadelic I have ever done was LSD, which I did not enjoy at all. However, it was my best freinds birthday, he had hired an apartment, and the other three people in the room were all on the chemical. So at about 10.30pm I injested it. For twenty minutes I felt very little if anything at all, I felt completely sober. After this time I began feeling the effects, for the first hour, the best I could describe the feeling, is uncomfortable. I felt very nautious, I felt like I wanted to vomit, but not enough to actually contemplate about throwing up, just an uneasy feeling in the stomach. I was cold, but also hot, nervous, and edgy, jittery.

We decided to drive one of the freinds home, I sat in the back. I could not focus, I felt half asleep, but an uncomfortable sleep. Once we got back to the appartment, the unpleasent feelings eased. I lay on the couch near the heater under a blanket and began enjoying myself. The visuals were actually much better than from the two tabs of acid I had a year earlier. I stared at an aboriginal painting, which for those of you not from australia is comprised of different coloured dots which form patterns. The dots began moving, it appeared as if I was looking at round ants marching in formation. A painting of flowers began moving and became three dimensional. Overall I was very pleased with the visuals.

My head on the other hand felt very normal. I was expecting to have trouble counting money and stringing together sentences, but I felt very comfortable.

This drug seemed to good to be true. The visuals were very good, my head was not in peices, and apart from an hour or so of nautiosnous, and the minor mussle spasms, the was nothing to complain about. The next day my head was clear, I had no real side effects.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33201
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2004Views: 9,949
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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