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The Trip Is What You Make It
Citation:   davideatw0rld. "The Trip Is What You Make It: An Experience with 2C-I (exp34034)". Jul 5, 2004.

15 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  5.0 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I am 19 years old and moderately experienced with psychoactives. I attend a California State University... and know if I had the chance I could've gone to a more 'prestigious' school. I've done MDMA, shrooms, salvia divinorum, cannibis, valium, and others. I do not like pharmaceuticals, I prefer drugs that stimulate me mentally. I take daily multivitamins, fish oil extract, and gingko biloba. I have tripped on 2C-I about 5-6 times... with varying doses from 10-50 mgs. This is my first experience. I come from an Asian background.

12:45 am : Ingested about 15 mgs of 2C-I obtained from a pharmaceutical company. My friend and I had 500mgs of the substance. I proceeded to divide the fine powder into halves with my local library card in order to determine the dosage. This is how it goes, you start with 500mgs, divide that powder pile in half, and then you have 250 mgs, then 125, etc... until you've determined the dosage you want. [Erowid note: please refer to the article on measured doses; using this method with an unverified starting amount is guesswork] I read in pikhal that the normal dosage was about 16 mgs... so that is what I aimed for. The method may not be very accurate, but I've read about experiences of 50mgs+ so I wasn't too concerned. We then mixed the approximate 30 mgs into a small amount of Sprite, stirred it thoroughly and then divided it into two equal cups. The soda was slightly bitter, we then poured more soda into the cups swished it around to catch any remaining bits of 2C-I left.

I then poured the amount of 2C-I back into storage and labeled it 460 mgs. There was approximately 10 mgs left on the plate which we used to divide up the substance. So my friend and I decided to gather it up and snort it. I doubt the snorting of the product had any effect... it caused a slight burning sensation and a stuffy nose. I licked the plate... to ensure that none was wasted. I then began walking around and preparing some food... Spam and Eggs over white rice...

1:09 am : Slight headchange, with a few tracers in light. My friend who weights approximately 105 lbs was lying down and reported some nausea, as she was lying down on the couch she explained that she felt as if she was on a lightly swinging hammock.

1:22 am : I am definitely not sober, objects in my field of vision are slightly swaying as I walk around the apartment.

1:28 am : Increased slight perception changes.

1:36 am : I begin to consume the food I made earlier, I have no appetite, eating feels odd. I could feel the layers of food material in my mouth. The layers of eggyolk, eggwhite, rice, spam, and the grease from the oil i used to cook the food.

1:44 am : visuals obviously apparent, hardwood floor ripples and swirls, almost breathes. I head to the bathroom because I'm feeling some slight stomach nausea... as I sit on the toilet the tiles and marble patterns begin to enlarge and swirl, almost like a kaleidoscope. Posters are more interesting and beautiful.

1:55 am : My friend's apartment is in San Francisco, so we decide to go out for a late night walk to a nearby park/playground. We walk about 3 blocks to the park, and it feels as if the other people on the streets are outsiders. On other occasions where I've tripped with multiple people, we tend to stay away from sober people, because there is a deep sense of community that seems to bond all the people who are tripping together. Heh, a fear of 'outsiders' almost.

2:05 am : We arrive at the park, there is an old style bronze fountain with gargoyles and men posing surrounded by benches. It is a beautiful peace of artwork, but it seems sinister in a fashion. I like being scared and I knew it was only the drug affecting me, so I approched the statue. It seemed almost alive. There are swings and sand, I begin to swing with so much enjoyment, it is as if I am a child again. Each time I reach the top of a swing, I can see the moon over one of the large apartment buildings... its an extremely beautiful sight. My friend and I talk about how beautiful the city is and we move to sit on some park benches. We notice a homeless person and begin to discuss how his world and lifestyle must be. We notice our body positions effect us greatly, we take turns switching cradling each others heads in our laps. Everytime I was being cradled and looking up at the face of my friend, I felt comforted... almost like a child in a mother's arms. She displayed the same feelings.

3:03 am : we arrive back at the apartment, the walk seemed as if it was a journey. worth it nonetheless. we started playing some music... poppy stuff... I think the first song was Wave- Think it Over. the music GREATLY affected our moods... there was a great sense of euphoria, almost like ecstacy... The way I've described 2C-I to others is 'philosophical ecstacy'. We listened to some trance, hip-hop, alternative... all the music sounded great, and all the lyrics felt so meaningful. A list of some of the songs were DJ Sammy- Boys of Summer Remix, the Kanye West album, Oasis- wonderwall, Ataris- Boys of Summer, and a few other current songs. Everything we heard had a deep sense of profound irony connecting to our lives.

As the music was playing we were looking at an issue of time magazine... the edition was May 10, 2004. I placed a glass over the eye of the woman on the cover, and scared the shit out of myself when I saw it.

3:32 am:the experiences come in intense waves... but no matter the intensity it feels as if you are always in control of the drug. It does not mindfuck you as hard as shrooms. We stop the music and begin to question the drug.

I am getting lazy so I will only write the remainder of the notes that I took that night.

3:50 am: I notice a curious george doll and make the connection between curious george and gang members. Curious George wears a red shirt that says he is curious, basically showing off his stupidity. Gang members do the same... The irony of the thing is that Curious George is always being lead around by a white man and no matter what the white man says, George always gets into trouble... much like minority gang members. This is just an observation I made, albeit under the influence... I have no racist intentions.

3:57 am: I was spelling out the word Erowid... and my chicken scratch writing made it look like Ironic. I was amazed by this. Then I thought of the name Verizon, because of cell phones, and I realized that the name comes from a combination of Vertical Horizon.

4:07 I keep exclaiming that 'The trip is what you make it!'

4:50 slight appetite, so i ate the remainder of the spam, eggs and rice.

5:26 listened to more music... it feels as if you can hear and feel the intentions of each artist.

5:36 am: Kept looking at a picture of ripples in water... with a taoist saying. 'Knowing harmony is consistancy - knowing consistancy is englightenment' The center of each ripple represented us, and the ripples flowing outward from each center were our connections with others. Once the ripples stop, it is when everything becomes one... and there is no more need for chaos.

6:13 trip is over... slightly weirded out... still a slight mental amplification... writing comes easy.

This was my first of a few experiences with 2C-I... very enjoyable. I dosed two more times in the next 3 days. I've also realized that watching movies in theatres while on 2C-I is extremely amusing.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34034
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 5, 2004Views: 14,208
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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