Life Isn't Just About Right Now
Citation:   still broken. "Life Isn't Just About Right Now: An Experience with LSD (exp34388)". Apr 15, 2020.

  oral LSD
There is always a consequence for any action you take. Some of the best memories of my life were from the times I was tripping. I understand the draw and the rationale. Just realize that sometimes it's smart to think about tomorrow. I doubt there will ever be any definitive research that can say for sure what LSD does to people. For that reason, all I can do is give my perspective and others can take it for face value.

I spent my first three freshmen years in high school in a drug-induced haze. While I would try anything given to me, LSD was what I had to take just to keep on level.
While I would try anything given to me, LSD was what I had to take just to keep on level.
Of course, it didn't start out like that. I didn't see it escalate, it just did. These things happen that way. Even being forceably admitted to a rehab facility didn't help. In fact, one of the best hits I'd ever gotten was through one of the hospital techs. My reality was just one big trip. I never expected to live this long. I thought I'd be dead before I turned 18. As a result, I engaged in every self-destructive behavior possible. But I did live, and now I'm paying the price.

I have a variety of physical and mental health problems that are supposedly related to LSD use. Are they really? Who knows.
My eyes are bad and getting worse. It's not hereditary. My doctor claims that LSD deprived my body of vitamin A during my years of puberty, resulting in abnormal development. I look cute in glasses, but still. I get flashbacks every once in awhile. 4 in over 10 years isn't excessive, but enough to scare someone. They're not fun. Trust me. Especially not when I've made the choice to be sober. It's really not good when they happen while driving. I still see faint tracers on moving objects. It doesn't impair me in any way, but it's just strange. A constant reminder of a life I've left behind.

I have arthritis and chronic neck pain. I can't say for sure that LSD had anything to do with it, but I can remember the achy stiffness in my neck the next day after tripping. Feels way too similar. My chiropractor says that it may or may not be the cause, but that if I'm genetically predisposed for arthritis, that the extensive drug use probably just sped up its progression. I'm claustrophobic. Deathly. I do know that I didn't become claustrophobic until I had begun taking LSD. And it came on hard and heavy all at once. Coincidence? Perhaps.

I would have no idea how they were processed or created. Everyone's body reacts to chemicals differently and, while I believe it's almost unheard of, it is still possible to have a bad reaction to anything: strawberries, allergy meds, a mixed drink, or LSD.

I could go on and on about the headaches, anxiety, depression, TMJ disease, etc, but why?

That said, I will also mention that I miss it. I miss the feeling, the visions, everything. With the exception of a couple of bad trips, it was always a pleasurable experience. I wouldn't trade it. I would change the sheer volume of LSD I ingested, but only because I think maybe I wouldn't feel so damned old at 28.

People do what they will, perhaps thinking that they'll deal with the consequences as they come. Lord knows that's what I did. And I'm okay, I guess. I'm coping and adjusting, but it's hard. It's real hard and expensive.

[Reported Dose: "as many as 10 hits at once"]

Exp Year: 1992-1994ExpID: 34388
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 15, 2020Views: 857
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LSD (2) : Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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