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When Reality Drips Away
Citation:   Shroomy. "When Reality Drips Away: An Experience with Sweating (exp34466)". Jul 7, 2006.

So, I’m getting ready for Basic Training, and I’m trying to get the THC out of my system. So I went for a light jog and returned home sweating. I have a plastic bag on underneath my shirt so that I sweat a lot more than usual. I go outside to my backyard, and it’s about 99 degrees outside, but it feels like 110. It’s Smoldering, and the hottest place I can think of is a Plastic Shed in my backyard right in the middle of the sun. It was ideal for a sweathouse. So I go inside and find a towel and wrap myself in it, and sit inside the Shed (sweathouse). There is a dot of light on the ground, and this is where I began to notice myself hallucinating.

After about 10 mins, I have worked up a sweat to where I can wipe it off and not 5 seconds later I am sweating in the same area. So I began to watch this dot of light on the ground, and I am watching it slowly move. Sort of like a sun dial. It entrances me, and I began staring into its light, and I began having strange thoughts. I look around the shed at some product labels, which are by now extremely warped. It feels a little like when Shrooms begins to kick in, a strange bewildered feeling.

I had about 2 large cups of water while I attended this session. So after about 40 mins inside, and being completely soaked in my own sweat, I began saying things that made no sense. And I knew I wasn’t making sense, but my mind kept telling me to say these things. I also prayed while I was inside the chamber, and had deep thoughts about just about everything. I closed my eyes, and I opened them, and the Light Dot had crawled almost halfway across the room. What seemed like seconds was actually around 20 mins.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34466
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2006Views: 11,313
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Sweating (341) : General (1), Alone (16)

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