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A Chemical Tool
Citation:   Desolate. "A Chemical Tool: An Experience with 2C-I (exp34532)". Mar 7, 2007.

T+ 0:00
23 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 1 repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:00 1 repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:30 1 repeated smoked Cannabis  
I didn’t really prepare for the trip in anyway besides skipping dinner. I decided to try my 2ci for the first time at my friends house down the street from my house. There were probably 15 people at her house.

8:30 pm: I put approx. 20-25 mg of 2ci into a glass of water and drink it.

8:40 pm: I smoke a little bit of weed to pass time until the 2ci sets in.

9:40 pm: the effects of 2ci are apparent but im still only feeling a body buzz similar to E.

10:10 pm: the walls of the house are starting to breathe but I could probably still pass as sober besides my eyes being dilated

10:40 pm: the hallucinations are now fully apparent, im probably a +2.5 or +3

11:00 pm: im tripping hard, lots of contorting faces and open eye visuals. I can also understand all the intricate relationships between the people I am hanging out with.

11:30 pm: much more cannabis is smoked. I become uncomfortable but decide that there is nothing I can do besides ride it out. I feel as if the first peak of the trip has passed.

12:00 am: im feeling better now. If I concentrate on the hallucinations I can manipulate them but if I don’t pay attention it feels like a light shroom trip.

2:00 am: I smoke more then decide to check out the closed eye visuals. I can fully control where I want to trip to go. If I concentrate on certain things I can cause a rushing of pleasure in my body. After awhile of doing this, my jaw starts to tighten. Some back muscles cramped slightly but these pains stopped after a few minutes. I have a great deal of creative insight. I have a better understanding of the relationships I have with people in my life. This is about the closest I’ve ever gotten to a +4 if it wasn’t it.

4:00 am: I can still control the trip but the intensity is fading. I walk home and lie in my bed until approx 6 am tripping lightly until I finally fall asleep.

This was an awesome experience that I will definitely try to imitate.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34532
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2007Views: 5,086
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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