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First Time RC Low Fose
2C-I, Alcohol (Beer) & GHB
Citation:   ReallyBored. "First Time RC Low Fose: An Experience with 2C-I, Alcohol (Beer) & GHB (exp34627)". Dec 14, 2005.

T+ 0:00
3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 8.0 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 7:30 4.0 g oral GHB  
2C-I/Beer/GHB 1st time Low Dose for new psychonaut

I was in the mood to try something new and having gotten into a rut I thought I'd do some research to find a trippy substance that was not seriously heavy or predisposed to a 'bad' experience. I'm of average health, take vitamins among which are 5-HTP daily, a trifle overweight (224# 6'3') not very active (tore up my knee at the beach recently damnit!).

I'm a long term GHB user, mostly for sleep aid or stomach problems, drink beer often, older than most here (I remember rolling when MDMA came on wax paper sheets as gum drops and was legal) fairly clean otherwise as far as substances go. Don't smoke tobacco or weed, though have very lightly in the distant past. Rolled probably 50 times in the late 80's early 90's. But no PEA's for over 4 years. Decided that I would not drink alcohol or do G for a 3 days beforehand to concentrate on the experience. Had not eaten but an apple at lunch since the previous evenings' large meal.

The 1 gram quantity came via UPS in a letter pack, inside was a bubble mailer with the compound labelled '2,5-Dimethoxy-4 iodo-pea HCL' in an amber glass screwtop vial; of course on unpacking the milligram scale from years of hibernation it had gotten out of kilter so I was forced to a backup .1g scale. Measured .1g (100mg) then divided the fluffy white powder (sort of like confectioners sugar in clumps) into 6 equal piles, picked the smallest one, divided it in half and licked it up. Roughly 8mg I guess. Hmmm, not bad, sort of tart, acidic, with the phamiliar phenethylamine backbone taste, but not as strong as some others have reported; as it dissolved on my tongue I actually got a contact rush sort of high from the anticipation as a shiver ran through the CNS structures. It was described as 99%. Washed it down with the third beer of the afternoon at 6 pm.

Waited for the long comeup and somewhere around 6:30 felt the first alert.
Well, that certainly did not jibe with the usual experience, but maybe since this bod is different from others and fairly fresh to this type of compound I figure I should start jotting down a trip report. I'm drinking quite quickly now, 6th beer and finding it hard to write legibly.

6:45 I notice some heart beat anomalies but not disconcerting, just weird. 7:00 Coming up hard, lots of body load, jaw clenching, salivation, huge pupil dilation. Sort of cool feeling but not forced pleasurable like MDMA, but not horrible either. 7:30 Lots of vibrational energy and 'diagonal' tension. Strangely the left eye is more dilated than the right by about 20%. 8:00 Still coming up, not very settled, wander around the house aimlessly trying to see what interests me but can't watch TV, try listening to music - no that's not what I want. Read for a while until the words start to swim off the page- WOW that's pretty strange. Got very introspective looking into a mirror as my face writhes around and the skin goes through an unflattering series of red blotches and other various weirdness. The walls are starting to get with it now: lots of crawling visuals, breathing/flowing stuff, large scale small movement back and forth, some tracers, halos, and diffraction effects. Still hard to figure out what the hell I want to do to try to maximize the enjoyment of the effects. At this point I can't write any more and scribble something like 'Transported to psychonaut territory... or not?'

Time begins to have no meaning as the visuals become more intense, layering unreality on top of distorted perception. OEV's are a little intense at this point so I curl up on my bed in the dark and close my eyes. Time passes as the CEV's are mostly fractal amino acid chains coiling and streaming in a complex DNA-like helix structure. I trip/sleep for about 2 hours. At 11:00 pm or so I chill out a bit and read some more. By 12:00 pm I call a friend and describe the experience as it slowly decreases. By 1:00 the body effects have ceased and the visuals are taming down. At 1:30 am I take 4 gm GHB and notice I've killed the 12 pack of brew. Sleep well till 8 am. get up feeling a bit speedy and still have bare hints of visuals on susceptible objects like the paisley shower curtain and the eyes are still a bit dilated.

Don't have any real hangover, maybe just a little spacy as if I took some antihistamines. Can function rather normally in public, so no problem there either. The experience was worthwhile but not earth-shaking. Introspective but not resolving. I'll try some more when the scale gets back to measure exactly, maybe around 12mg. Not exactly a party drug IMHO but certainly could be used in a fun setting. I'm wondering if there isn't something to the 'less is more' opinion on this RC and especially the reports of reduced body load at higher doses...we'll see.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34627
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2005Views: 10,363
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2C-I (172) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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