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Quite Nice
by Aire
Citation:   Aire. "Quite Nice: An Experience with 2C-I (exp34643)". Apr 17, 2007.

16 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)

It's 12:35 am and I have just gotten home from work and ate a sandwhich I picked up from Wendy's. I worked from 6pm-midnight. I took the 16mg dose at 10:15 am. I didn't really feel anything substantial until around 11:15-11:30am or so and I really started to feel back to baseline (normal) at about 4:30pm.

For the record, I am a 22 y/o male who weighs about 188 lb. I am a business major in college who has been relatively drug-free the past 18 months. When I was 19-20 y/o I did alot of drugs. You name it, I did it. Weed, acid, coke, ecstasy, shrooms, dxm, ether, nitrous, nutmeg, 5-meo-dmt, 5-meo-amt, etc etc. The only drugs I thoroughly enjoyed through and through have been coke and ecstasy, and thus abused the hell out of them during those years of my life.

The more and more I learned about 2c-i, the more I wanted to try it. I had every single trip report about it. From everything I had read, most every single person who had tried it (I'd say roughly 90% or more) thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only was it an empathetic hallucinogen, but it was also reported to have little to no side effects and no comedown/hangover to speak of. I found this fascinating and that's why I couldn't help but order some.

Yesterday was the day I got my 2c-i in the mail. I had to go to work so there was no chance of me taking any yesterday afternoon. When I went to sleep last night I set my alarm for 9:45am so I could get up at 10am and take a dose since I couldn't bare to wait until the weekend. This is my account of what happened, how I felt, and what I think of the substance. I believe it's a very complete and detailed report and I'm sure you will believe so as well. Enjoy. :)

The Experience

-- 10:00am (T-15 minutes)

I poured out the entire contents of my 1 gram baggie of 2c-i onto a sheet of tinfoil I just tore off. I don't have a mg scale and neither do any of my friends so it's the most accuracte way I can get a dose. I have done this with 5-meo-amt with great success. I split the pile up into two equal halves, then half one of those two piles, half one of -those- two piles, etc etc etc until I come to two small piles of ~16mg.

-- 10:15am (ingestion)

I put one of them onto a small piece of bread and chewed it up for a second or two and then swallowed.

-- 10:55am (T+40 minutes)

I decide to take my dog out for a walk since I'm so eager for it to kick in that I can't sit still. No noticeable effects whatsoever. I am, however, still just a tad bit tired from waking up so early after going to sleep so late, though. Nothing major.

-- 11:05am (T+50 minutes)

We're half way through the walk and I'm starting to notice some very minor things that are quite pleasing. Anytime we walk under a tree, not only does my body feel nice and cool since the sun isn't shining on it, but the noise the trees make from the light wind sounds quite pleasing as well. It's only 10am but it's already 80-something degrees out. Another pleasant surprise are the birds chirping high up in some of the trees. It is very pleasing and almost makes me smile. Normally I wouldn't think twice about it and would actually have probably not even noticed.

We walk by this elementary school in my neighborhood at this time as well, and I immediately start thinking about how important schools are in teaching our youth. I feel it's very profound at this time for some reason. I'm getting these vibes that are telling me how important this is. It's rather strange. My mind seems like it's thinking at 100 mph. Thoughts are racing through my heard and before I can even think about it, something else comes to mind. This will go on for a couple hours.

-- 11:15am (T+1 hour)

As soon as I walk in the door from being outside for the last 20 minutes, I can immediately tell that the trip is beginning to start. It feels very good to be back inside where the air conditioning can keep me nice and cool. I remark that petting my dog for being good during the walk feels a bit more pleasing to the touch than usual. Not a big difference, but it is a little noticeable. My mind is still racing at some 100 mph and I'm having slight visual effects. Minor distortions of objects' edges and such like that. Not strong yet but starting to build up.

-- 11:30am-12:00noon (T+1 hour 15 minutes - T+1 hour 45 minutes)

my mind is clear but at the same time I have that feeling in my head you get with acid or shrooms where you have thoughts that are telling you 'I'm tripping balls'. Coming up on this stuff I consider to be a big rocket ride and, at least for me, unpleasant at this point a little. I do really cherish the fact that I am able to think clearly for the most part.

I have been watching tv for the past 30 minutes and no matter what channel or show I have on, it's seems very interesting. I watched an episode of Judge Joe Brown and it was very entertaining. The two cases they covered I couldn't believe were even brought to court they seemed so ridiculous. I felt as if these stories on the show came right out of jerry springer and the platiffs/defendants were both actors in both cases.

I have this 'panoramic' vision effect going on where it seems everything in my view of sight is all looked at once, no matter where my eyes are focuses in this view. The things in view outside the tv screen are starting to have alot more distorting effects and colors are fading in and out almost as if they're breathing. As soon as I focus on something that seems to be doing this, it seems to not be so present. I've always noticed this, though, whether I've been on acid or shrooms or any other hallucinogen.

While all of this is happening, I seem to feel indifferent to the whole experience. By indifferent I mean I don't feel as though I'm enjoying it, and I don't feel as though I'm having a bad trip. I've never had a bad trip on anything but it seems on strong psychedelics like this that I get bored and just want the experience to end for some reason. This is combined with a mild headache (I always get headaches so this is no surprise) and tension in my upper body, especially around my shoulder area and the back of my neck. I always get this feeling on psychedelics for some reason. Anyhow, I took two tylenol in an effort to ditch the minor headache about 5 minutes into the show.

During these 30 minutes, all the effects mentioned above come in waves. It's as if I'll be watching the tv show and everything will seem quite normal, then 15 seconds later the effects will happen. It seems to go back and forth like that every 15 seconds for most of the 30 minutes and whenever the effects are taking place I feel alot of nausea. Two of the last three occassions this happens in those 30 minutes, I decided I'd go into the bathroom and throw up to maybe cure some of these feelings of not having a good time. By the time I get to the bathroom, however, my stomach is no longer upset and I feel as if I can't throw up. I decide this is because it's coming in waves and because those two times I waited a good 10 seconds into the feelings to make my way to the bathroom that the next time I started to feel that way I would immediately goto the bathroom and I should be able to get sick. It works like a charm.

Throwing up was amazing. Not amazing in the sense of 'wow this is fun' but amazing in the sense that it was very strange. The experience of throwing up was very bizarre and putting words to it somehow just doesn't seem right. Not the thought of getting sick, but the physical act of how it felt was just so strikingly awkward. Very strange is all I can say about that. For every good vibe I'm getting it seems I have a bad one to counteract it. I must say that constructing these sentences seems to have been alot of work and taken forever, but it really hasn't.

The visual distortions and morphing effects I got are similar to lsd while the color and breathing effects you get are alot more similar to shrooms. Neither, though, are very strong like a good dose of shrooms or acid, but both are pretty moderate.

-- 12:00noon-3:00pm (T+1 hour 45 minutes - T+4 hours 45 minutes)

This is where it got to the point that it was no longer coming in waves, but rather just 'there' and not going away. All colors seem nice to look at and when I'm not focused onto them directly it seems as if they're playing games with me and doing interesting activities I can't look at or they'll go away. Tv is interesting but at every commercial break I immediately pop up out of my chair and walk around the house briskly like a mad man. I enjoy walking around because it feels odd like the upper-half of my body consists of 90% of my weight, and also because this stuff gives me alot of pent-up energy radiating out of my body that I just want to do something with. Taking this at a party or a rave would be great for the energy and I think it would have made the mental effects more enjoyable as well.

I watched the 2003 Wilbeldon women's final tennis match between Venus and Serena Williams. This match was incredible to watch. There was no way I could just sit at the tv because of all the energy this stuff gave me, but I sat at the tv for alot of it and when I wasn't at the tv I was here in my office where I can see and hear the tv with ease while sitting at my computer. I found it interesting how Venus was dominating Serina despite being lower-ranked and playing with an injury. Whenever they'd have a well-fought point and the crowd would 'ooooh' or 'aaaaah' it made me get even more excited and into the match. It was pretty damn cool.

I got some strawberries out of the fridge because oddly I fealt kind of hungry at this time. I was trying to do alot of things at once at this moment that I was constantly running around the house from the television, to the computer, to the food I was preparing, to reading the front-page newspaper article about a local bank teller who had gotten killed the day before by a bank robber. It was in huge, bold print accompanied by about a half-dozen color photos of these masked gunmen taken from the bank security cameras. It was disturbing to look at these pictures and read the article but in some sick, twisted way it was also amusing. I almost felt that our local newspaper had turned into some kind of America's Most Wanted episode. The article itself captured my attention like nothing else the entire day.

The strawberries tasted great and when I went to give the tops of them to my dog all he would do is lick them while he was laying on his side trying to sleep on the carpet. For some odd reason I found this incredibly hilarious and so I kept putting one of the strawberry tops in front of his face and he'd lick it with his eyes closed over and over while I laughed uncontrollably. 2c-i makes laughter come easy and once you start, it's hard to stop. I went on to eat a breakfast burrito and a hot pocket, both of which tasted very, very delicious and I was quite pleased by this.

Also during this time, while I was at my computer I kept thinking someone was coming up to my front door. I kept seeing this big shadow out of the corner of my left eye and kept turning around and looking out the window to see nothing. This happened like every 10 seconds when I sat at the computer and it almost made me feel like someone knew I was tripping and trying to fuck with me on purpose. It agitated me, so I tried to ignore it. One time, though, someone really was at the door. This was one of the times that I ignored it, so when my doorbell rang my heart immediately started racing even faster and I remembered I had some prescription medication coming in the mail today I ordered online. The same fedex man who always delivers to me was there, and for some reason I was thinking that I should stop ordering this stuff because he'll probably start getting suspicious and call the cops on me. In retrospect I know this is ridiculous, but when I signed his paper for the meds I felt really guilty.

At one point in these three hours where peak effects took hold of me, I went outside to my backyard for a couple minutes to look at nature rather than this manufactured world we live in today. It was very pleasing and it seemed like it brought me to sobriety. Obviously it didn't because I was clearly peaking and I really feel as if I could have spent all afternoon out there just relaxing. I couldn't have during this trip, however, because a neighbor was mowing their lawn and the noise in the distance was irritating so after 5 minutes I went back inside. One more note about being outside, however, is that although it was over 90° at this time it felt really good on my skin out there on my covered patio and this is remarkable since I really dislike heat and prefer to remain cool, especially during the summer.

The only other thing I recall during this time was a 35-45 minute conversation I had with a fellow psychonaut friend on instant messenger. We talked about what I was experiencing and had experienced, and also about his work he had done recently for his long-running research chemical and psychoactive substances newsgroup. For privacy reasons, I'll refrain from naming it. The conversation was quite nice and it was truly remarkable how I could have this clear minded conversation with him while at the same time tripping hard. With each keystroke of my fingers on my keyboards, it feels very nice almost as if I were rolling and typing on the computer. While I am speaking to him I can't help but remark just how ecstatic I feel - I feel that body warmth and energy associated with mdma and an overall vibe that is extremely positive and uplifting. I even tell him how it doesn't feel like a fake, manufactured sense of well-being like mdma does, but rather a more genuine and real sense of love and affection that's coming from my own mind and body and not some psychedelic drug.

-- 3:00pm-4:30pm (T+4 hours 45 minutes - T+5 hours 45 minutes)

During this time I finally gave into the idea I had been having the last hour or so of playing my xbox. I had been thinking that I would play Halo but when I got everything ready I decided it'd be more fun to play counter-strike on xbox live and listen to all the juvenile kids talk crap to each other. I must say, playing cs on xbox live while tripping is pretty damn amusing. The first server I connect to has some teenage kids acting like complete idiots and it damn had me rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. I will definately play xbox live again the next time I take this substance.

Other than kids acting as immature as a preschooler, playing the game itself was really fun and had my adrenaline pumping more than usual. It was very hard to aim while tripping and so I found myself doing far less killing than was being done to myself. Oh well, I had a blast.

-- 4:30pm-5:00pm (T+5 hours 45 minutes - T+6 hours 15 minutes)

I have completely come down by this time and I feel completely sober and normal. I am still, to this very moment, very surprised at just how sober I feel. I feel as if I just woke up and as if I hadn't even taken any psychoactive substance at all. I recall from all the research I had done on this substance that most everyone reported no coming down or hangover feeling at all, though I was still skeptical. Well, the rumors are true. This is very encouraging and I look forward to getting to work at 6pm. Not only do I feel completely normal at this point, but I actually have alot of good vibes. At 5:00pm I take a shower, get dressed, and at 5:30 I was out the door and on my way to work, still glowing. Work was more enjoyable than usual and I had absolutely no ill-effects whatsoever. I am utterly and truly amazed at just how normal and good I feel at this point and look forward to a good slumber tonight.

Conclusion & Summary

I don't know where to start, really. I had written the intro and started the experience portion of this trip report last night after I got home from work but had to stop there as I wanted to get to bed to watch Howard Stern before drifting off to sleep. I slept from 2am until 2:30pm and it was just as enjoyable as any other sleep, but maybe a little more deeper. I had alot of sleep and feel extremely relaxed, energized, and ready to greet the world with open arms.

I can't wait to dose 2c-i again, despite the way the rocket-ride up and beginning of the peak made me feel. Not at any point did I have a bad trip, as I've never had a bad trip on anything (not even 10+ hits of acid), but during the rough come-up I actually had second and third thoughts about having ingested the drug. As you can see from my report, however, the second-half of the experience was very nice and I really enjoyed it. I definately need to take this stuff around some friends and at a more social and possibly energetic atmosphere, too. I will be taking less of a dose, as well, since I hear that the smaller the dose the less confusion and/or indifferent-to-ill effects one is likely to get. Judging by all the reports I have read, I feel as if I had probably ingested as much as 18-20mg instead of my estimated 16mg.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2007Views: 7,728
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2C-I (172) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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