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Halloween Party Gone Bad
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Jonas. "Halloween Party Gone Bad: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp34990)". Erowid.org. Mar 25, 2006. erowid.org/exp/34990

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I was visiting a friend one Hollows Eve, lets call him C. Me and C didn't have much planned on Halloween. Just the same ol' pranks, and nicky-nicky nine doors shit as always. I never thought I'd go to a party that night really, but I ended up doing so.

Me and my friend were out getting some candy on Halloween, and we heard a bunch of noise up at this one house. C said that his friend J was having a party, and said we should go up there. I was hesitant at first, I didn't know any of his friends except J (who I didn't particularly like) - but ended up going anyways.

When we arrived, this kid was crying about his dad having a heart attack, there was pretty much a big scene of people there, and he looked up and told me to cut my hair. His friend was this tall guy who I do not know (I live about an hour away from these guys, as I was just visiting C for the weekend) - regardless, he basically asked me how old I was, I told him 16, and he then said that that J's parents don't care if anyone drinks. It's all down in the basement he said. Me and C not having anything else constructive to do for the evening, headed for the basement.

As soon as I got there, I saw a very drunk girl and a very drunk guy on a mattress laughing. There was also a guy who was passed out on the couch with a bucket underneath his head, another girl on another couch adjacent him being consoled as she got very, very sick in a bucket as well. I looked on the table and saw a large bottle of Canadian Club. I didn't really want to drink any at the moment, so I sat in the chair by the guy that was passed out. C left somewhere at this time.

I'm kinda a quiet person, so I didn't talk to anyone. I finally got the nerve to go up and pour a shot of Canadian Club so people wouldn't think I'm a square. I kinda sat there dazed before drinking it, and one guy asks me multiple times if I was high. Which I was not.

So I took my first sip of it, boy did it taste awful. But I continued to baby it until it was finished. I felt warm. Not buzzed at all. Just warm.

I soon got up and poured another one - just so people won't think I'm square. I think I started going into denial at around the third shot - 'I'm only drinking it because they'll make fun of me if I don't' - I wanted to get plastered.

So this time around, I get up for my 4th shot, and the drunk guy I saw on the mattress came down from upstairs and gave me a happy hello by asking me to play a game with him. It consisted of drinking a shot of Whiskey, then taking a shot of coke (Coca Cola, not cocaine). Then whiskey, then coke, etc. At about this time, something came over me, he kept on pouring shots, I kept on drinking them. They didn't taste nearly as awful at this point, and plus, I was drinking some coke to chase the taste that I could *barely* taste, so why not drink a bunch more? I seriously drank around 20 - 25 shots that night. Maybe 30. Soon after that guy left me, so astounded at how many shots I had just dranken, that he called me a 'tank, I was really drunk. All I remember is laughing, slurred speech, running outside looking for C, putting on a really old New years Eve hat. . .and having a mercy fight with a Rugby player, who almost broke my hand. Of course, at the time I couldn't feel anything really.

Then I went to sit down in the chair again. And I felt like I was going into a deep sleep. I remember waking my eyes up a bit and seeing some weird gothic people coming in, but not much else.

C loves to tell me what I did at the party. Every time I see him, he'll give me a new detail of what happened on that night.

I have brief recollection of what happened, but some of it people have to tell me because I honestly don't remember:

I was running around, screaming. Frequently taking more shots. My friend C says 'CALM DOWN, JON!' (my nicknames Jon) - and he would push me on the chair, and I'd fall over. And then I would get up for some more shots. C would take one that I was about to drink, and magically, I'd pull one from out from my other hand and drink it. Another time I spit the entire shot all over him. He then pushed me on the chair again.

Then there's the window. . I was sitting on this mattress, and there was a window near it. And I guess I was REALLY bugging this sober Rugby player, and he wanted to kick my ass, so I hit him, and jumped out the window, flailing around uncontrollably. Running around a tree screaming. C tells me ALL the adults, and practically all the kids were staring at me as I did this, eventually falling down into someone else’s yard. They would drag me back to J's yard just so the neighbours didn't get pissed.

I think by this point, I was in a ditch or something, and vomiting, and people had to bring me in the house again. C told me I grabbed some chicks tit, and actually held onto it a bit before she realized who was grabbing it. She accused the guy standing behind her if he did it, and he said no. I also heard I was playing with J's little sister (whos 11 I think) and her friends. Eventually, they were just jumping on me as I lay there passed out. I'm probably missing a lot of details, but I can't remember anything. All the stuff I'm telling you past the sitting down on the chair and feeling like slipping in a coma. I do not remember doing. It's like another person did that pretty much. But it's so strange that I did that, because when I was on the chair, I felt like I wanted to sleep, and go into a coma of sorts. But I suppose I got right up and went insane after that.

I woke up on the couch of C's living room. There was a bucket underneath my mouth. I got up, surveyed my surroundings, and for some reason, went to sleep in his little brother’s room. I got up about an hour later, and went to the bathroom. I didn't remember leaving J's, or when I went to sleep at all. When I saw my self in the mirror I was in awe. I looked like complete shit. Massive puke stains on my shirt, little strand of it in my hair, heck, probably even on my face. I through off my clothes and jumped in the shower immediately. I later learned that I passed out on the chair, pissed my pants, and J and his mom had to drive me home to C's. I was fucking SHIVERING on the floor of C's kitchen. Shivering, vomiting. C's mom stayed up till 5am with me to make sure I didn't choke on my own puke. I'm pretty grateful.

The hangover was hell. Not really that bad, but pretty bad. And it hit my friend C even worse (apparently, he had drank a lot too, but right after I lost it) - he made a huge whole in the dry wall from punching it.

Yet, this experience was kinda fun. Mostly stupid though. I didn't know what I was doing when I took those shots, I just kept on taking as many as possible. I basically stick to weed now, it tastes hella good, and I love smoking. But I have an occasional shot here and there.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 34990
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2006Views: 11,174
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Second Hand Report (42), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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