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A Soaking Wet Summer Night
Citation:   Colonel Forbin. "A Soaking Wet Summer Night: An Experience with 2C-B (exp35100)". Feb 26, 2007.

25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The night was July 3, 2004. I had just arrived back to Milwaukee from out of town and had plans of attending Summerfest, a large, 11 day music festival the city holds on the lakefront, of Lake Michigan, every year. I arrived at my friend 'E's' apartment at approximately 7pm with two other friends of mine, C and V. We were to be attending the Medeski, Martin and Wood at Summerfest; it was not scheduled to begin until around 10pm. It was a fairly warm summer night, despite the fact that it was raining a bit outside. Little did we know just what effect that rain would have on the rest of our evening.

In an attempt to times thing out properly, we waited until approximately 8:15 - 8:30 to ingest our doses of 2C-B. We were all taking about the same dosage. About 25 milligrams in powdered form, enclosed in a clear pill capsule. Only C, V, and I, were embarking upon this first-time journey with 2C-B, while E, who had to drive, just had a few drinks and a few smokes. Another friend, G, came along as well, and also did not take any of the 2C-B. I felt pretty comfortable at the time of ingestion, knowing that I would not have to drive anywhere and also knowing that I was currently in one of my better friend’s apartments, a place I had been countless times before, a place that I nearly felt at home in.

Prior to taking my dose, I had not really had much of anything to eat. In the two days prior to this, I had probably ate a grand total of two solid meals, both disgusting fast food meals, as well. This was due to the “road trip” of sorts I had just arrived home from, so I was on a very empty stomach at the time of ingestion. After we munched our doses, we continued to sit square on the couch’s we had been sitting on, watching a DVD of a live Santana concert from 1994. The music was excellent, as always. At about 8:45 we left my friend’s living room to go back to his bedroom where we could smoke without having to worry about stinking up the main entryway to his apartment and alerting the police officer who lives upstairs of the illegal activity commencing inside the apartment below him. So, most of us grabbed a beer, and headed for the room.

Upon arriving back there we initially smoked 2 bowls, one being catastrophically large. I noticed a slight uneasy feeling in my stomach and it would easily suffice to say that I definitely had the “butterflies” at this point in time. The feeling was essentially the same as the normal feelings of uneasiness one experiences while waiting for the effects of a common psychedelic to take place. Nothing felt too out of the ordinary, considering the circumstances. Shortly after the smoking had concluded for the time being, at around 9 to 9:15, I began to feel a noticeable effect by the drug upon my body. My body was beginning to have the beginnings of a fairly intense body buzz and my vision had already begun to shift on me. Nothing too specific, but I could tell I was very close to being through with my come-up and that the slight visual distortions I was experiencing would seen lead to full-fledged visuals.
At this point, it was starting close in on 9:30 and the concert was not far off. We smoked two more bowls and decided it was about time to get on the road. I brought my beer into my friend’s kitchen to pour down the sink. The combination of the come-up and empty stomach simply did not provide a good setting for beer. I just could not properly stomach it. Back in my friend’s living room, Santana was still pulsing through the room. I had been intending to go outside and have a cigarette quick before we left, but Santana caught my eye and I sat down to watch him while waiting for the others so we could leave. The music sounded unreal to me at this point. A dramatic increase in the ability to appreciate music was noticed. Not only that, but I had now begun to hit my plateau. Those on the DVD were spiraling and crawling around the screen, the music sending ripples through the air at me.

“Let’s roll,” I hear and we’re off.

The ride to Summerfest proved a bit scary and a bit of a waste. My sober (kind of) friend, E, drove, and well, I think the 'Tube' from Cincinnati in early 2003 had him a bit distracted. We ended up parking a solid 20 to 30 minute walk from Summerfest for some reason. Traffic was chaotic as the massive 4th of July fireworks were taking place over Lake Michigan. We caught glimpses of some, but not a whole hell of a lot of it. The walk to Summerfest is when I really noticed how much I was tripping. It was about 9:45 to 10:00 at this point in time. The colors of the sky from the fireworks, the headlights of cars driving past, and the colors of the buildings all seemed to be screaming for me to look at them. I almost wanted to stop walking and just soak everything in, let it all completely permeate my body. You could probably argue this was happening anyway, as it was completely pouring at this point.

I was totally soaked already and the concert was still yet to even begin. Moreover, I was also completely excited at this point. A feeling of anticipation and joy was prominent throughout. C, V, and I, those who were tripping, all seemed very talkative, at least more so than usual. Furthermore, there was a lot of giggling and laughter for no reason at all.

Fast forward a very frigid walk and we arrive at the concert around 10:10pm. I must note that I have taken 2C-B a few times since this trip, and that the visual effects have been much more substantial than the trip I am describing. I think the extreme weather conditions probably had a lot due to with the diminished effects of visual stimulation. At any rate, the concert had already begun when we arrived, sadly. MMW was in the midst of their first song. The first person I saw was an ex-girlfriend of mine who I had not spoken to in nearly a year. This proved to be quite awkward. At this point in time, I wasn’t quite as talkative as before. I struggled to spew out the words that I really wanted to, even though my mind was filled with profound statements that I really wanted to enunciate to her. This really bothered me a bit and slowed my trip down a tad. Made me stop and think. I felt shallow trying to move past it all as fast as possible, but this was a night for joy and music, not deep reflections during a concert. All in all, the encounter proved rather awkward.

Now to the music. While lacking in visual stimulation, the 2C-B proved to make MMW sound better to me than they ever have in the past. I love their music and what they do live, but much of what they do proves to be a tad too “far out” for me. This was not the case on the evening in question. My body flowed to the music and every move I made seemed to be reciprocated by the music I was hearing. The music just made perfect sense. If you are the type of person who enjoys getting a tad high or whatnot at concerts. It proved to be absolutely wonderful for me.

So essentially, from about 10:15 until 12:00 when we arrived back at my friends car, the only really noticeable effects were the effects upon my body and mind. I felt very open and happy in the situation I was in. The fact that everything I had in my pockets was completely ruined by rain did not even bother me in the least.

(As a humorous aside, I must mention that during the concert the rain steadily began to come down harder and harder. It got rather ridiculous. People were looking at each in disbelief, laughing their asses off, as if saying, “This is just ludicrous! Does it have to get WORSE instead of better?! AAAH! Well, the only way to stay warm is DANCE...” Perhaps funnier, on our walk back, we were walking down some rather large lakefront condos. For one reason or another, these condos/apartments had their sprinkler systems on. It had been raining for about 4 hours and it was still absolutely pouring, yet they had their sprinklers on. So, not only were we soaked, but these sprinklers were just nailing us with water at a high pressure. Right in the face. It hurt! Talk about adding insult to injury. It was really like a cruel joke, albeit, a decently funny one at that point. You can only be so wet.)--

When we got back to my friend E’s place it was about 12:15am. We tried our best to ring out our clothes and sat in the lobby/hallway area of my E’s apartment building. Some visual effects of the 2C-B began to return at this point. I was looking at my hand on my friend’s carpet and noticed that as I stared at it and pushed it along the carpet I could see swirling patters in my hand and on the carpet. They looked almost to be dragons or powerful Greek mythological creatures. We eventually entered E’s place and had a quick puff in his bedroom. It was brought to my attention that my pupils were still the size of flying saucers at this point. I noticed some brief rippling effects in my vision, still had a slight “chemical” taste in my mouth, and a small body buzz, but nothing major. After this, I was given a ride home. I fell asleep quite easily around 1:30am and that was my night. My first experience with 2C-B proved to be a blast, but the inclement weather really left me desperate to try it again in a more comfortable situation.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2007Views: 7,971
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2C-B (52) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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