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Making the Best of It
2C-C & 2C-I
Citation:   cherry. "Making the Best of It: An Experience with 2C-C & 2C-I (exp35275)". Erowid.org. Jul 20, 2004. erowid.org/exp/35275

39 mg oral 2C-C (powder / crystals)
  12 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I had purchased a rather large amount of 2C-C a while back, but have been largely unimpressed with it as a psychedelic, and thus on the lookout for ways to make the best use of my remaining supply. I read some reports of combining it with 2C-I with good results, so I decided to try this combination for myself.

There was a small outdoor dance party happening on Saturday night, and I decided that would be a good venue for the experiment. I had one 23mg dose of 2C-I stashed away, and I weighed 12mg out to take along with 39mg of 2C-C. My girlfriend C was to take the other 11mg, along with 33mg 2C-C. I had read a report of 10mg 2C-I and 34mg 2C-C being a solid dosage for this combo, but I went a bit higher because I wanted to make sure I got a good trip out of it. Also, (possibly due to the inherent mildness of the 2C-C experience) I have suspected my batch of 2C-C is slightly impure, so I generally aim a bit high there.

The party was a three hour drive from home, and C and I rode in our friend B's car. We swallowed the pills in the car at 12:20am, about 45 minutes before we expected to arrive. We got there around 1:15; the party was very dark, in a small clearing in the woods illuminated almost solely by a strand of blue and green lanterns and a bonfire. I started to notice the first effects around 1:30; I found myself off-balance and light headed, and the darkness became more profound. I looked up at the dark outlines of the trees on the slightly lighter sky filled with stars, and the patterns of the branches were striking.

I started to peak heavily around 2am (T+1:40). The body component of the trip was very strong; I was quite off-balance and I found it hard to dance more than 5 or 6 beats without falling out of time with the music. Fortunately, there was enough space in the dance area that I didn't crash into anybody. The visuals were even stronger now, and very beautiful, like a strong 2C-I trip (I don't feel that 2C-C alone is a very visual drug, but I do think it accounted for the bodily aspect of the experience). The open-eye visuals made objects in my visual field appear as blocks of color that were very crisp, but at the same time with very ill-defined boundaries. Ever-changing patterns appeared at the edges of everything. I have some portable mini-LED lights, and playing with these proved to be very enjoyable. Mentally, I felt relatively clear; my thoughts were not particularly deep or 'trippy.' I felt a wave of pleasurable sensation flow through my body, and I was very happy to be outside on such a beautiful night, listening to the loud thumping music.

I decided that I wanted to sit down for a while, and about that time C came over to me and seemed to be having a difficult time, so we sat down on a couch that someone had brought. She wasn't very talkative, so I just held her, closed my eyes and listened to the music. At this point, prompted by the music, I felt myself filled with a rush of happy energy, focused in my chest. I couldn't help but tap my feet to the music and nod my head; I bordered on trembling a few times. This feeling was very reminiscent to me of MDMA, especially physically, but the emotional effects were much more manageable (I actually do not like the intensity with which MDMA manipulates my emotions, and find the phenethylamine 'high' to be much more up my alley when I am looking for an artificially happy experience). The closed-eye visuals were quite a nice complement to this feeling, and reminded me of prior visuals from 2C-I or 2C-T-2. The best way I can describe them is to picture what it would look like if the landscape from Q-Bert had suffered a severe earthquake and was covered with molten lava: bright colors and geometric shapes seen from an isometric perspective, all flowing and changing.

C wanted to get away from the music at this point (probably around 2:45 or 3am, but I was tripping too hard to think about it), so we found B and walked back to the parking area. B had eaten some mushrooms and was thus in a very wacky mood, and we chatted as we walked along the glowstick-lit path. When we got there, C sat in the car and was mostly quiet (from talking to her later, she had been tripping very hard, but the only thing she really found unpleasant was being in an unfamiliar environment with lots of people she didn't know -- not the particular drug experience). Our friends M and G ran into us in the parking lot, and we spent a while there talking and hanging out. M and G were sober but are wacky folks to begin with, so the conversation touched on some pretty outlandish topics, such as starting a band which would tour with a guy in a padded suit, who the audience members could come up to and punch during the show. I found it easy to communicate, and I was in a boisterous and jolly mood. By around 4am (T+3:40), the peak had subsided, but I still had good visuals going and I was still not 'down.' The rest of our friends left and I got in the car with C. She was having a lot of trouble communicating, and I was a bit worried about her because she was very subdued, but she assured me she'd be OK and wanted to stay in the car, so I walked back to the party.

By this time (an un-celebrated 4:20), the sun was already rising, and I lamented the fact that the party and the trip seemed to be going by so quickly (well, we did get there kinda late). I had fun dancing a bit more, then went back out to the parking lot because the party seemed to be dying down, and I didn't see any of my friends around in the light of the dawn... C was feeling better and had come out of the car, and we spent some time chatting with some people we met there. The plateau of the trip was pleasant, and I had a good time talking. The visuals were still noticeable; a bit later we found some lichen growing out of the ground, and we all marveled in its simple fractal structure and pretty teal color, as well as its soft spongy texture.

We took off around 6:30, and in the car the topic of conversation turned to a bad LSD trip I'd had several years ago at a party, in which I felt I'd made a fool of myself in front of someone who I think has still not forgiven me. The situation is troubling to me, because that individual has quite a bit of psychedelic experience himself, and would be expected to be understanding of such things, but in practice this does not seem to hold true. It is usual for the tail end of (and sometimes several days after) a phenethylamine trip to be depressing for me, and the way I felt talking about that situation definitely fit that model. We stopped a couple of times for bathrooms, gas, food, and for B to take a nap, and C and I ended up sleeping in the car from about 10 to 11:30. Then we were home, immediately got into bed, and went out like lights. This was on a Sunday morning, and we both slept more or less continuously until 7:30 on Monday morning (I was awake for no more than an hour in that period, and C was up for about three or four hours). I was very groggy when I woke up, but I feel pretty much normal now (Monday evening).


I feel this combination is a great way to get more out of 2C-C, and I will probably decide to repeat the experience. Next time I try it, however, I will decrease the dose of 2C-I to about 6-8mg (and perhaps increase the 2C-C to the mid-40's) to see if I can get the same quality of experience with even less 2C-I. I was very impressed with how 'messed up' (in a good way) I got with this combo, while still remaining in full control of my mental faculties. This is the main difference between this combo and a pure 2C-I experience; the addition of the strong body component from the 2C-C makes for a much more intense overall trip. All the body load was positive, however; I'd had a small meal about 2 hours before consuming the drugs, and this prevented any nausea (which for me is the most common rough spot in a phenethylamine trip). C also says she would repeat the experience; overall, she did not have a bad time, but the setting turned out not to be the best for her and she just needed some quiet time alone.

On the negative side, I should note that (as other reports have pointed out) this combination is fairly hard on the body and mind. I usually measure this component of a trip by (a) how much sleep I require afterward and (b) how 'drained' I feel, and both of these factors seem relatively high here, especially considering the short duration of the trip. I have been known to sleep for more than 24 of the 30 hours following an LSD or AMT trip, but those drugs last about twice as long as 2C-I does, so this is a more reasonable consequence. This trip, on the other hand, was over before I was ready to stop... Also, 2C-C + 2C-I does not seem like a good combo for deep thinking or soul-searching; it is mostly a fun 'candy' type of experience (whereas I have had some *very* philosophical trips with 2C-I alone).

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35275
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 20, 2004Views: 14,450
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