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White Gold
Cocaine & Cannabis
by MJL
Citation:   MJL. "White Gold: An Experience with Cocaine & Cannabis (exp35534)". Jun 1, 2007.

0.25 g insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Now I have a fairly long drug history of many different substances. I have used many of these on many occasions and find myself to be very safe with my drugs use, the only frequent drug I actually use to excess is Pot, Hash or Oil. This is the complete list to date:

Caffiene Pills, Weed, Black Oil, Honey Oil, Hash, Crystal Hash (made by cleaning out the crystal from your coffee grinder and adding small drops of water to form a hash), Dramamime, Jimson Seeds, Alcahol, Shrooms, Nitrious, MDMA, Codeine, DXM, LSA (ate a lot of HB Woodrose seeds and tripped hardcore), Ritalin, Dextro-Amphetamine, Salvia 10X extract, Syrian Rue, Yopo Snuff, Oxycontin, Ayahausca and Ether (I also am cooking up a wormwood extract right now and plan to expirament with it too)

But this is something pretty different, what this report is on is my very first dance with coca. Even though in reality some of the substances I've used are considered addictive and dangerous, this just seemed like my first real 'hard' drug. This was known by the public to destroy lives and make the world just a little more evil. But I felt I knew better, as I know a great deal about any drug that I have ever considered trying. I ended up buying a half gram of what I know to be extremely potent blow, and with my experience, I would have to strongly agree. I had to pay $50 for it, but I got a fat line to sample too and it is very hard for a 16 year old (I will be in a month anyway) to find cocaine in a small town like this. Nevertheless, I was assured this shit was primo.

At 5:30 I rode my bike down to my dealers house and bought my half gram and a pretty strong E that he has been selling recently. I discovered this E to be laced with some sort of amphetamine as I noticed when I previously took some my dick shunk to an abnormal tinyness. I stayed there for about 30 mins just hanging out and getting stoned, at that point they said they were going to give me a nice fat line before I dig into my half gram. After it was all chopped up and powder, me, my dealer and his friend each did a line.

Wow, it wasn't like an instant buzz or anything, but the second the line was done there was extreme numbness. After this I decided I should probably be on my way to start off my night. Once I got on my bike I noticed a very strong euphoria, much more so then ritalin gives me, I was cruising very fast on my bike with a nice little smile on my face. Everything just felt so right. I couldn't have picked a more perfect situation to do it I feel though. As I have just started hanging around with a girl that I really like. This is the first girl I've ever met that actually understands me, she is just so fucking cool.

I got to her house at 6:15, 30 mins late but she didnt care, and we went and hung out in her room. I gave her the Ecstacy that I bought for her and proceeded to do another line as she swallowed the pill. Wow, now I am really feeling cocaine. At this point my mind is racing and everything just feels right. I am really enjoying hanging around with 'Mel'. We are listioning to different CDs I brought over and I feel like I can get right into the music, it sounds very intense. We were playing mostly Marilyn Manson and Pantera I think, which really went well with the moument.

At this point I decided that we should go for a walk for a bit. We walked down an empty road for quite a way and just talked and split a couple more smokes. By the time we got back 45 mins had passed since my last line, but I was still wired as hell. When we got back we smoked a joint with Mel's Dad because he was looking for a nickol and I couldn't get a hold of one at the time after making a few calls (His dealer was gone partying). After the joint I felt noticeably stoned, it just kind of made the coke buzz a little more interesting. When we got back in though the night got very interesting.

We went to her room again and I stated that I thought it would be pretty hot to do a line off a beutiful girls ass. She didn't seem like she was too exited to do that right now so I put one on her stomache. After the line I was again in a fast-paced, cocaine bliss. When the line was done I looked at Mel and we immediately began to kiss very passionately and roll around on her bed just holding eachother and doing many fun things.

After about a half hour of this we split another smoke and then she began to take off my pants, I knew it was going to be extremly hard to get up right now in my state of mind so I decided I would begin to take her pants off to get me going. At this point she said she really wants to but we have to wait until her Dad isn't home, so we began to hold eachother tight and roll around some more. We kept saying things to eachother like 'Your so sexy' and such, I remember when I stared deep into her eyes and told her simply that she is perfect. I think this really touched her and she told me no one ever told her that before, but I truely meant it and repeated it several more times. She was perfect, everything I've ever been looking for.

Once things started slowing down a bit she began to pull down my pants again, once they were down she began to stroke my dick for what must of been 40 mins, with absolutely no effect. Near the end I was getting pretty impatient and pissed off. At this point Mel's Dad yelled upstairs if I could try and get a bag again. So I just decided that it just wasn't going to happen today and we went downstairs to hang out with her Dad for a bit. I paged my dealer and he never did call back, everyone in town seemed to be out partying tonight.

After just sitting there with her Dad for about 20 minutes we went back up to her room and held eachother while while the TV was on. But the TV wasn't important, I was lost in passion over how amazing Mel is and how luckey I am to have found a girl like this. At 9:45 we decided to walk uptown to a friends house we go to pretty often, it's kind of our stoner groups hangout. Once we got there I still felt pretty cracked out and I'm pretty sure they knew I was on something. I didn't want them to know I have ever done coke tho, I think they thought we were both rolling though.

By the way there was only 'Chris' (who lives there), 'Rick' and 'Dave' there. The only person there that I actually do consider to be a good friends with is Chris, but I know the other guys enough to trust them. When we got there I smoked some Pot with them because I was planning on sleeping there tonight and I like to be generous to people that are for me. After I smoked the last of the bag I had on me I still had about 3 roaches left, which they agreed to match later on in the night. After that we left the shed that we burn in and just hung out in his garage, I felt very close to Mel right now and we were all just kind of having a good time. No one else has any idea that me and Mel are as close as we are.

At some point 'Steve' stopped by and was now with us. Then we went to the shed and smoked more with Chris, Rick and Dave. After this though nothing really happend, everyone else was around Mel and I couldn't really get too close to her, but every once in a while they would take off on a bike ride or something and we'd be alone for a good half hour. At around 1:30 Mel's Dad came and picked her up and Dave and Steve went home. Rick and me were sleeping over tonight. We all went to bed at around 2 but I am sure I didn't pass out until around 4.

The next day I woke up and inspected the bag that I bought. I planned to snort the whole half gram but it after just one line it would completely put me over. Also as the experience went on I stopped even thinking about the coke and just concentrated on Mel. I saw that there was some white powder on the outside of the bag so I licked off a very small ammount, but it actually made my entire tounge completely numb, and gave me a small pick-me-up as I didn't sleep to well at all. I actually woke up to Mel who called and I talked to her for a bit. She ended up coming over in about an hour and everyone there kept leaving and we ended up alone for a while.

In conclusion, I think coke is an amazing drug that showed me wonderful things, and made me feel like a champ. I don't think it could ever take over my life and I have no urge to finish the rest of my bag but I am sure I will within the next month or so. I don't really think coke is too physically addicting if at all, but I deffinately believe its very psychologically addicting. I am just thankful I didn't get a hold of this a few years ago when I wasn't nearly as responsible with drugs as I am now. I think I am deffinately going to do coke again in my lifetime after this. I felt that with the coke I could really turn on Mel and I didn't get nervous or anything like that, everything felt so right, like I knew exactly what to do. I am kind of disappointed that my dick couldn't rise tho, as I have heard great things about sex on coke. Still though, I think the experence was perfect, absolutely perfect.

Thank you for your time.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35534
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2007Views: 24,217
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Cocaine (13) : Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Various (28)

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