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Careful With That, Eugene
Citation:   PillBoxHat. "Careful With That, Eugene: An Experience with 2C-E (exp35535)". Jul 31, 2004.

15 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
My previous experience with psychedelics has been fairly broad but in recent years infrequent: LSD, mushrooms, San Pedro, morning glory seeds. Additionally I am a fairly regular cannabis user. I became interested in trying 2C-E after reading reports about its effects and obtained a half gram. I decided to start with the dosage recommended by other users, and estimated the amount by using a dividing method from the entire quantity, and added the quantity to a bottle of water. I decided to drink the mixture the next morning.

I thought that the most essential preparation was making sure that I had nothing to do that day. After waking up, I drank a cup of coffee and no breakfast, then drank the mixture at around 11 am. Looking back, I probably should have skipped the coffee and instead had something light to eat.

About 30 minutes later I began to feel some signs that the substance was coming on. I began to feel some discomfort and nausea, which I was prepared for. Over the next 15 minutes, the discomfort intensified and I began to get hot and sweaty (it was a very hot day, also, which didn't help). After 45 minutes, I was sitting by the bathroom, ready to vomit, and vomit I did. It was akin to food poisoning sickness. Afterward I felt some relief, but not for long. I tried to drink some juice, which came back up in another 15 minutes. I continued to feel sick for another 30 minutes or so. However, while feeling sick I was acutely aware of tripping harder than I had in a long time. After getting over the primary physical discomfort, I tried to hang out outside with my girlfriend and take in the scenery. Having someone to talk with helped immensely. Although I felt very high, I was fairly clear-headed and more or less articulate. The substance was surprisingly visual. Many of my LSD and mushroom trips are completely without visuals, more in the head. This was the opposite.

During the first few hours, I was extremely wiry and twitchy, like amphetamines, but pushed slightly over the edge, and my girlfriend told me that I looked like I was in the throes of a battle with Tourettes. I could control my gross motor functions if I concentrated, but if I wasn't, i would make broad, involuntary movements with my legs and arms.

We came inside and watched some TV. She turned on old episodes of Resue 911. It was horrifying! I wasn't in a state of fear, but rather shocked by how grotesque the people on the show looked. Their faces were distorted and simian. After this, we played a game of Scrabble. This was wonderful: I was enthralled by the way the woodgrain of the playing pieces glowed and vibrated. Also, I was happy to find that my ability to put words together and find connections in the serendipitous coincidence of words that had been made was intact: it was like a poetic machine turning out beautiful phrases.

After about 6 hours, I felt normal again, though still a bit wiry and with other trace effects. The next morning, I felt normal: no hangover to speak of.

All in all, this was fun after the initial puke-fest. I would consider trying this again, taking better precautions, and would advise any considering taking 2C-E to do the same.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2004Views: 11,036
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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