Childhood Flashback
Citation:   Some Kid. "Childhood Flashback: An Experience with Cannabis (exp35794)". Dec 26, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:25 0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:25 4 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Okay this is a good one. I used to smoke alot, it was summer, there was nothing to do, so my friend and I took up smoking. Well after a few months of smoking every weekend and some weekdays we tried something new. We wanted to get as messed up as we ever had in our entire lives so we each bought a quarter and rolled 3 joints. We went out in his back yard at around 11 PM, each with our own joint. We finished with that bout 15 min. later. We then went inside to watch TV. About 10 min. after we smoked, we started feeling moderately high, so we broke out the third joint and shared it. After the third joint we were stoned, very stoned.

So my friend gets the idea to pack a bowl, we smoked it, and it didn’t have any immediate effects, so we did another, and then another. We reached a point that we had never been to, it was near insanity, and then we did one more bowl. Now that you know how much is in us, I can tell you what happened to me, or at least what I can remember.

We were flipping through tv channels, and too me it seemed like the channels were parallel dimensions, on one channel there was a cowboy, he lived on cowboy world, on another there was a cartoon. We watched that after 10 min of that, I got so developed in the story that I started crying when the main character lost his pencil, I stood up and ran to my friends room, flew to his bed, because by this time I had flying powers but didn’t feel like using them much.

On his bed I started crying and I closed my eyes for what had to be no more than 10 seconds but what I saw was incredible to say the least. It’s hard to explain, but I relived my entire life, I was seeing things that I had completely forgotten about in my sober state, and I wasn’t just remembering them, I was actually living them!

Upon opening my eyes, I see my friend in the corner of the room, staring at me, while on all fours. Before I could tell him what I saw, he pounced on me like a tiger, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, which was bad, seeing as it was 12:30-1 o clock at night. He started hitting me as hard as he could, like he was trying to kill me. Well I could only feel the sensations of the blows, but not the pain, so I started hitting back, we fought for an eternity and while we were we were laughing so hard. When we got done, we laid on the ground and passed out from exaustion.

This was incredibly fun.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 35794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2007Views: 5,745
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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