Split Dimensions
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Fire on the wire. "Split Dimensions: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp35986)". Erowid.org. Mar 7, 2007. erowid.org/exp/35986

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Before I elaborate about my experience let me first give some background information. I have been an avid smoker of MJ for a almost six months. During this time of drug experimentation my friend dediced to get some Salvia foliage off the internet. One day whalle smoking MJ we decided to try out the Salvia folliage. So we packed a bowl of the krinkley green leaves and lit it up. To my disapointment nothing really spectacular happened. If anything the Salvia magnified the buzz from the MJ. Now I have been reading reports of people smoking extracts of Salvia and I dedided that it may be a good idea if I try some too. So I ordered some Standardized 10x extract off the internet. Aparently the stuff that I bought gaurantees 25mg of Salvinorin A so I thought that would be perty powerfull.

About a week went by and finaly my package came in the mail. In addition to my Salvia extract I had also ordered some Kava Kava, and Blue Lotus. Finaly after work one day I decided to give the good old Lady Salvia a try, so I pulled out my brand new water bong and packed it with some crushed ice. I then filled it up with a little bit of water and packed the bowl with the Salvia 10x extract. Sitting in my room with my door closed and some relaxing music playing in the background, I light the bowl and take my first pull. I then pulled out the slide piece and sucked in the pleasant tasting smoke. The smoke kinda tastes like burnt gram crackers. I didn't really feel any major change so I decided to take two more good tokes this cleared about half my bowl.

The weird thing is that I didn't really know what was happening until it was to late. To best describe my sensation, it felt like my soul was trying to escape my body but my body was fighting to keep my soul from leaving. The next thing that happened is my eyes had lost muscular control and were twitching all about which made me believe that everything was shaking. I had actuly thought that the dimension that I was in, or my world as I know it was splitting into multiple slices and it felt like I had fell out of one of the slices of time and I was trying to get back into reality but couldn't.

At this point of my experience I was screeming and cussing in terror and panic in fear that my soul would split into and be traped one dimension and my body in a different dimension. I then heard a knocking on my bedroom door, it was my father but by the time I opened the door to see what was going on the terror and panic was gone and my soul and body were gelling into one again as well as my world had stopped splitting. He told me somthing not really important and then I went to sleep.

A few days later I drove over my friends house to re-live the lady salvia experience in the name of Science. My friends whose names I have changed to protect their idenity were in my car as I packed my glass spoon bowl. I took three tokes as well as my friend Chuck took three tokes. I felt the world splitting again so I dediced to stop smoking it but it was too late.

Closterphobia had set in and I was scratching at my car door trying to escape and get fresh air hoping that time and space wouldn't be messed with this time. Again I had lost muscular control in my eyes and they were twitching vigorously. I looked at my friend Sam, who had not been smoking, and he saw my eyes were out of control and that scared him A LOT. Because he was scared I was really really scared that he saw me this way and out of control.

So Sam freaked out and he was trying to calm me down, that was a bad idea because I thought he was trying to mess with the high guy and freak me out. So I yelled at him to stop and then I soon realized that I was yelling and terrified and I calmed myself down and exited the car. By that time the Salvia had warn half off and I was just paranoid that there were snipers in the bushes. So I ducked around, behind and under stuff and hid under my car for a while till the paranoia wore off. Then when I was good I took a walk and smoked some MJ to calm my nerves.

Both experiences that I had lasted about 5 minutes for the most extreem part and had about 10 minutes of after paranoia. I also had a strange sweat that comes out after smoking. Lady Salvia is definately somthing that I will most likely not ever smoke again because it was just too extreem. It doesn't feel like MJ or antthing else that I have tried it just feels really, really, really weird as if time and space had been disrupted and was playing a balancing act in my head trying to keep my soul mind and body in the same dimension. Salvia is definately nothing to play with and it is definately a drug that I will leave to the professionals.

Love always
Fire on the Wire

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2007Views: 6,430
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