Happiness of a Lifetime
Citation:   Veter. "Happiness of a Lifetime: An Experience with 2C-E (exp36537)". Erowid.org. Jul 15, 2006. erowid.org/exp/36537

16 mg oral 2C-E
So, after having experienced five 2C-E trips in the past and having two of which being extremely lackluster, I went into this trip hoping to be impressed. I wanted to trip HARD. I wanted to be out of my mind and uncontrollable. Keeping that in mind, it set the stage for my best trip ever.

I began by taking it with 3 other friends at around 3:15 and the wait began. I had fasted for close to 15 hours before this, so I knew that when it hit, it'd hit fast and hard. I had found that if I drank some sort of juice after consumption, that the effects would hit a bit faster, so that is exactly what I did. I drank a few cups of orange juice and paced around until I finally started to get some 'butterflies' in my stomach(about 45 minutes after consumption).

When logical thought started to slowly fade, I found myself with quite the amount of nausea. I curled up in an arm chair for a while and waited for it subside. After some time(that which I cannot recall the length) I found myself walking around staring at the wall, which was moving around quite a bit by this time.

Colors were very vibrant, especially the greens and reds, and the visuals started to become extremely vivid. I believe I stated that they were no longer 'joke visuals.' Meaning that things no longer looked like they were just seen through double vision, and instead were very 'solid' and not blurry at all. After awhile, all 3 of my friends were now feeling it and we went on a walk.

The clouds that day were fantastic. Even if I wasn't tripping, they probably would have looked awesome. However, through my altered perception, they were twisting around and moving extremely fast. I was taking it all in and loving every moment of it. I remember spitting and being fascinated by the auditory hallucination of a fazer coming out of my mouth. Happiness was engulfing me.

When we made it back to the house, we did our ritual of listening to music. This time, the music of choice was Tool, Lateralus. We went into the basement with the lights off and listened to it on surround sound. Strangely, the music didn’t affect me as much as usual. I felt 'distant' from it. I had my own colorful visuals that were independent of my inner thoughts, and the music seemed to be off to the side. As an example, I remember a particular time where I could see a neon blue pyramid to the left of me and a strange blue figure keeping me out of the temple. The temple was off to the side and the colors of the temple were being effected by the music, but the blue figure was not. This visual was very dream-like, as I could talk to it. I remember feeling contempt for the blue figure blocking me out of the pyramid and speaking to other figures about what it must be like in the temple.

Me and one of my friends decided that we'd go upstairs and maybe go on another walk. We realized soon that it was raining out and just decided to lay around staring at stuff. Eventually moving into the house owners bedroom, we listened to some Tom petty.

Listening to this brought me and my friend to tears of joy. We looked at each other and stated our happiness and laughed for the length of three songs, all pop. Never have I felt such joy in my life. I was tripping extremely hard at that point and I had no negativity at all. There was just this feeling of absolute joy and love emanating from me.

Eventually we made it back downstairs, listening to Devin Townsend, Terria. It was fantastic, but when it was over I began to realize I was on the comedown.

At about 10:30, we were all pretty much coming down and not really feeling much of anything besides some brightened colors and a bit of a 'trippy' outlook. The trip ended completely at around 2:30am and I was finally able to sleep.

Overall, it was the best trip I have had and contained one of the best and happiest moments of my life. I will continue to use 2C-E and hope to have many more moments like this.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36537
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2006Views: 8,158
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2C-E (137) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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