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A Duck Chorus
by D
Citation:   D. "A Duck Chorus: An Experience with Cannabis (exp37089)". May 3, 2020.

2 hits smoked Cannabis
This experience is about smoking a hooka and it totally destroying me.

I called up one of my friends to chill and we met up then went over to his friends' apartment. I had never met these people so I was a little nervous about hanging out with these guys all night since everyone knew each other already and I didn't know them at all. However, I was just so excited to smoke that I didn't care.

We got there and they pulled out a hooka that looked amazing. I had never done a hooka but was looking forward to it a lot. We then passed the 3 hoses around and each got our hits. I only took two hits and I was gone.

At first I felt that I was falling down a hole forever. I couldn't stop falling and there was never an end to the pit. Then I snapped out of that and looked around at the guys I was chilling with. Then I took on an external mindset. I felt that I was viewing the human race from the outside, like I was an alien studying humans. The hooka looked like a crazy thing that these strange humans used to have a good time. All they were doing was inhaling smoke and they were having the time of their life. Then I thought about how a little plant like marijuana can cause so much pleasure just by being smoked. Then I thought of how ridiculous it is that this little plant is illegal and all it does is make people happy. I couldn't stop laughing.

Then I came out of that mindset and started hearing a background music to the whole scene. It started as just an ongoing beat that kept playing, but then it changed. All the sudden the beat seemed to be being sung by hundreds of ducks. The quacking was tremendous and it was hurting my ears. They were all together and singing. When I closed my eyes I could see hundreds of ducks standing next to each other on both sides of me quacking/singing. It was amazing.

Coming down from that was real hard. I was so burnt from that that I felt I was going to get sick and if I had eaten before that I probably would have. I could not believe that two hits could do that to me. It was an experience that I will never forget and now I feel closer to the guys I met that night. We went from being complete strangers to sharing a bond. That seems to happen a lot with weed, that's part of the reason I love it so much.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2020Views: 554
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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