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Yoga, Meditation, Sex & a Full Blown Trip
Yoga, Meditation & LSD
Citation:   liquidsky. "Yoga, Meditation, Sex & a Full Blown Trip: An Experience with Yoga, Meditation & LSD (exp37128)". Oct 5, 2004.

150 ug oral LSD
Firstly I regard myself as something of a (hateful cliche) free spirit. I practise Yoga every day and meditate at least three times a week. I believe this prepared me well for the LSD experience. This report is on what is probably about my 20th trip in about two years. I'll skip the usual 'Is anything happening?', rumours, myths and political innuendo here.

About 2 hours into the trip (which I ingested at about 1500 that afternoon) I did my usual Yoga routine. (at this stage I was at about level 2 of 5 of the Psychedelic experience). I found breathing/movement coordination to be improved and my awareness of energy flowing through the body heightened. On the negative side, my balance was slightly impaired, though not significantly so.

Following that I meditated for about a half hour. Initially it was difficult to calm my mind with the myriad of low pH flavoured thoughts but once I reached The State my meditation brought me through full course to a very interesting place. By allowing my attention to centre on my Brow Chakra (Third Eye) and allow that consciousness to expand outward to infinity after Hara Consciousness was attained I was able to fully remove my self from the ego and all games. I recommend the online paper 'Psychedelic Yoga'.

At around 7 I met with my girlfriend, and (personal details omitted). My experience of sex that night was one of heightened awareness of my partner resulting in a very intense experience (word to the wise-NEVER attempt to see a significant other without making them aware of your altered state. This will save your relationship. Think about it). Now. My trip reached its highest point at about 1030pm. 6hours in odd. The report below occurred with closed eyes lying down on my bed. I was not asleep. Here is my description:

I'm standing in a dark field witha loomin g building to my left. The building is dark with a single light atop the building. I'm wearing a tattered tailcoat with long monk-robe like sleeves. ahead is a throne which I can barely make out. Thre is a nun in blue and white robes in front of the throne. I walk toward her.

As I start walking I become aware of a huge funeral procession behind me. playing a mournful dirge in a sombre cacophany. They are also proceeding to the throne. When I approach the nun on her right hand side I see she is crying. She begins to scream as she waves a gold medalion back and forth. The crowd behind me appraches me slowly as though swimming in the air. The nun begins to cry. Tears of blood streaming from each eye and the crowd begins to attack each other. They bite, tear and fight. tearing pieces of flesh from young and old alike.

I fall and cloe my eyes. When I open them I am at the foot of a staircase covered in writing I cannot read. I climb the stairs and look over the balcony they end in. There is a group of masked actors performing silently below me. I open my eyes to the swimming luxuriant silence of my real-world awareness.

This was a pretty intense trip, but I would say an overall positive experience.

Peace and Light.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2004Views: 17,128
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LSD (2), Meditation (128) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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