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Lasted All Day on Thanksgiving
Nutmeg & Cannabis
Citation:   Ripsta. "Lasted All Day on Thanksgiving: An Experience with Nutmeg & Cannabis (exp38612)". Nov 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
17.5 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   oral Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 1:30 3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A Nutmegged Thanksgiving

I had heard a while back from a friend back in high school that you could use nutmeg as a hallucinagen, and decided to try it for myself this past thanksgiving. While researching into it, I got so many conflicting reports that I truly had no idea what to expect.

I prepared everything the night before thanksgiving by dicing whole nutmeg cloves (18 g) then grinding them as fine as possible in a old fashioned coffee grinder I usually reserve for making keef. My guess is that this mixed about enough keef into the nutmeg that I would usually use to top a bowl. I covered this mix with ceran wrap and let it sit overnight.

I proceeded to wake up at about 6 am thanksgiving morning, after about 6-7 hours of sleep. I ate the entire pile of nutmeg grounds (my guess is about 17.5 g), in half an hour, and then proceeded to sit on the couch and play mario kart waiting for it to hit. At about 7:30, I smoked about half a bowl out of my bong, taking about 3 solid hits. The weed high lasted about an hour (usual), but when I started to come down, I felt myself level off while still fairly high. About a half hour after that, I rode up on the nutmeg. For me, I never really tripped out, however, I retained a solid weed high for the entire day (went to sleep at 11:30) and even though I felt completely blown, everyone I talked to said I didn't even seem out of it. This includes having to attend thanksgiving dinner with my entire extended family, including grandparents who usually notice everything, and having to provide transportation for my cousin who was sober and didn't notice until I told him later.

I seemed to overall get a much better experience than I generally had heard about. This includes the fact that I did not pass out for any extended period of time, and had no hangover at all the next day. The only downside to nutmeg that I had was actually eating the stuff, and that was only because the texture makes me think I'm eating dust (it didn't seem to taste that bad if one simply throws it past the tongue and washes it down with water). Overall, I would say nutmeg is my favorite legal drug I've had thus far, and I definitely plan to try it again in about a month.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2018Views: 1,004
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