Citation:   Briarwulf. "Sedative: An Experience with Hops (exp39390)". Jan 25, 2007.

5 flowers smoked Hops (flowers)
While living in a remote area of Oregon, several individuals tried smoking hops due to it's familial relation to cannibis.

The hops used was the regular H. lupulus, not H. lupulus var aureus

A hops flower resembles a small pine cone, about the size of a large thimble. When these are dried, I spread the petals of the flower and see small yellowish crystals near the stem. By pinching the hops flower between the thumb and forefinger, (forfinger on the top of the cone, the stem on top of the thumb), I can then trim off /most/ of the dried petal's plant material, leaving mainly a stem with a small portion of each petal covered with yellow crystals.

3 individuals smoked 5 flowers in a glass pipe. We did notice a very slight sedative effect, very pleasant. The smoke had a sweet flavor (which led to other experiments), but was a bit harsh. The experience was a bit novel, but was worthy of noting for one's pharmacopia.

Some others tried hops flowers mixed with cannabis resin to make it 'palatable' for smoking. They heated the resin and chopped it with shredded hops, coating the flowers.

Probably the best use for hops flowers is beer.

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 39390
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2007Views: 22,514
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Hops (252) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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