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A Camping Trip
Citation:   NigTony. "A Camping Trip: An Experience with 2C-I (exp39802)". Mar 11, 2008.

1 tablet oral 2C-I
allright, Ive wanted to type up a report on this site for ages, I just havent gotten around to it, so here goes nothing. Last summer, A friend of mine calls me up and told me about this stuff called 2C-I, I was interested but didnt want it, after a week of avid research I came to the coclusion that I would be allright, I bought 2 pills, one for me and one for a friend. I dont know how much was it in, but ive never read a report like mine so I assume that I took way to much. Despite the worry I took to much and the eventual crash, and let me tell you its a crash, I had the most wonderful, intriguing experience in my life.

setting - On vacation, camping in maine, up all night driving, no sleep.

8AM - popped our dose, went boating, after about 30 minutes we returned to the dock to fish cuz we had no anchor and the winds were bad

9AM or so - we decided there was no fish and walked back, I felt odd but didnt think it was anything besides lack of sleep so we ( a friend and I ) were walking back to my trailer when I noticed my fishing lure that was bouncing with each step had a very vivid, almost highlighter bright trails that kept chasing it around with every step. I was in awe, at that moment the trip or rolled, it was kinda both, increases at an exponential rate.

I lost sense of time but Im guessing it was like 9:30 or so, as we returned I started to lose my sense of reality, but not in a mushroom kinda way, just an extreme elevation in mood, not particually like MDMA, more of a 'Im an infant and the world is new to me, lets explore and love every minute of it' it was like that. So anyway, I walk into my trailer and couldnt believe what I was seeing. The roof of the trailer has a window, and from that window was color of every kind pouring into the window and spilling onto the walls and spreading down to the floor, first red, then yellow, then orange then all the colors faded into shadows and faded.

from that point on the curtains lost all texture and started ot move like they were on an invisible assembly line, it was as if they were moving from the left to the right, but abruptly ended when it reached all the way to the right, its hard to explain but the motion was constant. that never went away, I just kinda got used to it, at that moment the wood grain on the walls crept up the walls like water flowing and added to the curtains. after that happened the colors started flowing again and then the morphing started. things were growing, shrinking, changing size and then going back to normal. I was in such awe to all this, I was making trails with my hands thats were bright almost neon green and was drinking tea, I was talking to my friend who was not tripping as hard as I, he said he felt like he was rolling hard.

We were joking and laughing and went for many walks, everything was shimmering and glowing, as long as I was in motion nothing moved or morphed, in motion visually it was like a mix of mushrooms and MDMA.

after a few hours the visuals werent as pronounced and the other half of the trip/roll kicked in. I had the most pleasurable body sensations I have ever experienced. It started in the base of my back and rolled up to the tip of my neck, it was a warm feeling of complete sensual ecstacy. It was almost as if I had an orgasm that rolled up and down my body and lingered in the base of my neck untill I shook it off. that happened several times, after a while it wasnt as powerful as an orgasm but i could still feel this invisible pleasure move around inside of me and it was so wonderful.

After I stood in front of a fan and felt this pleasure roll over me I had to take a shower to bath in my senses. we smoked a bowl and I walked over to the showers, the tile design was changing colors and growing then shrinking and moving about, I put the 50 cents into the machine and turned on the shower. stream of rainbow colored water came out and the mist sprayed me, I could feel every bit of mist, and it felt so good, not nearly as good as the water itself though.

After 3 showers, lol yes 3, I started to come down and experienced the other half of what this drug has to offer, unimaginable pain. oh man I had the worst headache I could remeber in a long long time. It almost wasnt worth it, but I think it was cuz I didnt sleep the night before because Ive taken 2C-I again and didnt feel bad at the end of the trip at all, but to be fair I reduced the amount I ingested probably by half, at lower doses its much like MDMA. Anyway, that is my 2C-I experience in Maine. This drug would be wonderful to share with a lover, its soaks my body in sensual sensations and creates a wonderful uplifting in mood.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2008Views: 4,735
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2C-I (172) : Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Various (28)

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