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The Plane of Infinity
Citation:   Lawn Boy. "The Plane of Infinity: An Experience with Cannabis (exp414)". Jun 22, 2000.

  smoked Cannabis
  12 oz oral Alcohol
I recently tried smoking buddah. What an experience it was. The dosage was about 3 large bowls (by myself mind you). I heard a lot about people smoking it and feeling great so I decided it was for me. I lit up in the second floor of my garage where I have a small party room set up. I always heard that it worked fast, but for some reason I smoked all of it. There was no reaction. I was so disapointed because there was a school dance that night and I hoped to be stoned for it. So I thought what the hell I'll go have a couple of shots of vodka before I go that'll do the trick. After about 30 minutes my mother called me in the house to eat. I remember my mouth being extremely dry. While I was eating i went throught 5 glasses of soda.

About 15 minutes into dinner I felt this huge sense of relaxation and calm. Then when I lifted my fork to put some steak in my mouth.... BAM! I whipped the fork across the room and couldn't explain why. At this point I was way out of my mind so I went to my room and downed about 10 or 11 shots of vodka. My friend came to pick me up and couldn't believe how messed up I was. He kept laughing at me and asking if I was ok. I was like yeah whatever. After about 1 and 1/2 hours after smoking up I felt another wave of the tinglies come over me. Then when we were pulling into the school parking lot I was the happiest I had ever been. I remember feeling so at peace with myself and everyone else around me.

I was looking at the street lights when all of a sudden the poles they were on began to bend over. This seriously freaked me out as I had never heard of people hallucionating on weed before. Then I looked to my friend to ask if he could see it and his face took on the form of a penguin. I was seriously wacked out so i decided to make the best of it and just enjoy it. We were walking in when suddenly the school zoomed out away from us about 100 yards. Then it zoomed in again about 2 minutes later. So we went inside and it was about 2 hours from liftoff so I was definetely out there somewhere. We got in on the dance floor and another peaceful wave hit me only this time it wouldn't recide. It just got stronger, stronger, and stronger until it stayed there at the same level for about an hour or so. All the while I saw patterns in things, not like out of nowhere like on acid or anything, but simply on tye-dye shirts or on the paint on the walls etc. I would have spells where i would just stare at them and talk to them. Then I got upset because a gnome I saw on a table wouldn't talk back to me (people must have been staring terribly). So I decided to go outside for a minute and calm down. Outside I discussed the dismemberment of the Grateful Dead with my friend (both of us being deadheads). So after about 10 minutes or so I went back inside. When I got on the dance floor, it just went on forever. It was infinite, never ending, until I saw the DJ and he was at a point that looked like the edge of the plane. I went up to where he was only to find it went on forever still. I was amazed. It was like a revalation that went through my body. I suddenly tied it to the possibilities of life being infinate and ever changing.

At the end of the dance I met up with my penguin headed friend and headed to the car. I couldn't stop thinking about the plane, about how it just kept going. So I got home about 12:00 and went directly to bed. It took me 20 minutes to do it but i crawled into bed, turned on some Phish, and looked forward to my next experience.

I told some of my stoner friends about this and they believe that there was definetely something besides weed in the bag I had. My one friend said Datura, another said PCP. In any case all I can say is that Marijuana should be legalized because it can truly change you life for the better.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2000Views: 6,737
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), What Was in That? (26), General (1)

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