Is Anything Real?
Citation:   Nate-Dogg. "Is Anything Real?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp41819)". Sep 11, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:45   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This was probably the craziest experience that I have ever had with weed. I've smoked it many times before, but never had an experience like this before. Heres the timeline of what took place...

4:00 - drove over to someones house, smoked a bowl on the way there.

4:10 - arrive at house, stoned.

4:45 - smoke 2 more bowls in garage.

5:30 - smoke one more bowl before heading out, again in the garage.

5:45 - got picked up by a buddy and went to get some food.
I have barely any recollection of eating, not to mention I have my doubts if it really even took place... I remember being there any feeling in the depth of my euphoria that it was one great big cartoon world in which I was living. My friend says I was acting normal, but for some reason I find that hard to believe. At this point I have no idea of time, or even the existence of time. I feel like I'm being sucked into a black hole and everything around me is either meaningless, or not real.

6:30 - arrived back at my dorm to just chill.

7:00 - arrive at study tables (I am an athlete at a university). I was pretty chill during study tables, and the girl I was with said she couldnt even tell, I just looked tired.

9:00 - study tables are over, back at the dorms.

10:00 - we head back out for another smoke. We smoke 1 nicely packed solid bowl. We are fucked up like no other.

11:00 - I'm in my dorm room, sitting on my futon, every says I look like I'm going to die. Weird things are happening, nothing seems normal. I am thinking that I dont want to be high anymore, the feeling overwhelms me and my mind is trying to make me come down from my high, but I cant. I start thinking about everything in my life, and how none of it seems real at all. I feel the chemical change taking place in my brain, and I begin to feel paranoid that I will never be normal again. I have this desperate urge to not be high anymore, but theres nothing I can do. Around me, my roomate is trying to make sure I'm ok, and 2 girls in my room are on my computer in sex chat rooms talking to people. This blows my mind and I cant believe its really happening. I get disgusted with everything going on.

12:30 - that hour and a half went by pretty much instantly. It seemed like it went on forever, at the same time it feels instant. I hop up in bed and get to sleep.

7:30 am - I awake, still messed up. I feel super depressed, like I just screwed up my entire life. Everything I remember from the night before doesnt seem real. I lay there, wondering what is going on, and why everything is happening. The question still in debate in my mind 'will I ever be normal again'

This has to be the craziest experience I've ever had. I've done Ex and mushrooms before, and had some crazy trips, but I never knew that I could come close to those with weed. This was just a whole nother level of getting high that I've never experience before. Now that I'm feeling normal, a day later, I definitely don't regret this experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2019Views: 637
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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