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Reality Revealed
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   newshaman. "Reality Revealed: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp42207)". Jun 12, 2018.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi
I have always been a lover of cannabis and its wonderful effects, but recently have become much more interested in soul searching and the potentially therapeutic values of hallucinogens. Unfortunately, where I live there is NEVER any LSD around, so I began to investigate other means of 'tripping'.

After reading plenty of other peoples' experiences with San Pedro, I figured I would like to give it a shot. Fortunately, I just happened to stumble across a massive potted San Pedro specimen at Target (that's right, Target), just days after deciding to do this. I bought the cactus from the garden center and began preparing a tea at my house.

I had read about many different methods of extracting the mescaline from the cactus via boiling, and I chose a very simple method of doing so. Without peeling of the skin or spines, I chopped the cactus up into skinny stars and threw them in a blender with just enough water to create a nearly homogeneous goop. I then transferred the goop into a large pot on the stove and let the stuff boil for a while. Since I was doing this in my parents' house (and theoretically one of them could have arrived home at any minute), I rushed through the boiling process. I let the goop boil down to a lump of cactus mash at the bottom of the pot before dumping it into a strainer and squeezing the mescaline-saturated juice into a water bottle. I repeated this process a couple more times, adding about a half-cup to a full cup of water on top of the lump of cactus. After about three hours of preparation, boiling, and clean-up, I had two doses ready for consumption.

I went over to my friend's house to spend the night, and brought my little concoctions with me. I handed one to my friend and encouraged him to drink. This kid was crazy and didn't hesitate for a second. Upon putting the liquid to our lips we both nearly vomitted everywhere...this stuff is absolutely vile!!! Swallowing it was nearly impossible, and it took us nearly two hours just to choke down our full doses. This was discouraging to me because I figured the mescaline needed to be consumed in a shorter amount of time in order to take effect. Sinmply put, I was wrong.

Indeed the onset of the trip was very gradual and never reached a definite peak, due to the slow rate of consumption, but it also prolonged the trip and made it seem more like a slow moving journey that a full-fledged frenetic trip described by most users. I first felt a body buzz and relaxed inhibitions, very similar to being high on a small amount of cannabis. As I continued to drink my tea, I felt this buzz intensify and it seemed to flow outward from my body and alter my surroundings. We were sitting in a poorly lit room (next time I am doing it during the day), and listening to some Zeppelin and Floyd. Slowly the room began to change. The walls began to slant at odd angles and the fan blades above my head seemed to be waving slightly at me. The couch I was sitting on had become absolutely humongous, leaving me feeling very insignificant and dwarf-like. My friend stood up to go to the bathroom, and, although my eyes saw him to be as he always was, my third eye saw him as a towering beast...not at all threatening, but a little disturbing nonetheless.

I became very aware of the concepts of symmetry, divinity, and consciousness, and discussed these topics at length with my friend, who seemed to understand completely and responded with a deep insight that I had never seen before. By focusing my energy I could convey more meaning through my physical gesturing than through words, and many times found myself trailing off in mid-sentence, lost in a type of trance, only to be brought out of it several minutes later by my friend, who pointed out that I had contorted my body into a very strange postion. This was perhaps the most interesting part of the trip, as several times I found myself twisted around on the couch, my arms wrapped about my head, seemingly radiating intense energy from these positions which were intensely significant at the time.

The whole experience lasted from about eleven at night to six in the morning, when it finally began to die away. My friend's mother had cooked a huge breakfast for us, which was the perfect way to end the experience. I am definitely looking forward to the next time I trip on this remarkable plant, and I intend to use more cactus and take more time during the boiling process in order to ensure a smaller amount of liquid and a more powerful, definable trip. Definitely worth my effort!!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42207
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2018Views: 1,225
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Personal Preparation (45), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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