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In Between Dreams
Citation:   apolytonjs. "In Between Dreams: An Experience with Kratom (exp42959)". Jan 23, 2014.

1.5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
  450 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  6 g oral Kratom  
Background: I have experimented with various forms of cannabis, psychedelics, opiates, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, cocaine, herbs, varous legal drugs, etc. I will try to compare the experince mostly to the opiates, as Kratom binds to the same mu-opiod receptors as the opiates do, and produces very similar but noticably different effects.

Prescriptions: I'm currently taking 150 mg Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) and .5mg Klonopin (clonazepam) three times daily. I take these for mild depression, borederline ADD, and general anxiety disorder. I don't believe the Wellbutrin interfered with this experience, but I am positive the Klonopin increased the effects of the Kratom.

Preperation: I took 24g of 'Super' Kratom and put it into a pot. Then I put a few cups of sugar-free lemonade. My dentist says it's so acidic, it can burn the enamel off my teeth. My hypothesis is that the very acidic nature of the lemonade would increase the effects of the Kratom. I boiled and stirred the mixture for about 5 minutes, then poured the whole thing into a waterbottle. I shook up the waterbottle thoroughly, then poured about a fourth of it into a cup and drank it.

The Experience: I had taken the first .5 mg Klonopin about 5 hours previous to drinking the tea, then took the other two after drinking the Kratom, on a moderatly empty stomach. I took all the Klonopin sublinguily. The Kratom was very bitter; I chased it down with some more of the lemonade. The onset of the Kratom was quite fast, I could feel the effects within a few minutes. The Klonopin undoubtedly sped up the onset. I should also clarify that I have been taking Klonopin for 6 weeks, and I don't feel the initial effects of the onset of Klonopin really, since it's so built up in my system. It also has a 1/2 life of about 1-3 days. I felt relaxed, and euphoria gradually bulit up. Not an intense, all-of-a-sudden euphoria like cocaine, but like the gently creeping euphoria of opiates. My mind felt very active and stimulated, but my heart rate didn't increase, and I didn't feel jittery, nervous, paranoid or any of the other bad side effects that speed has. It reminded me of a medium dose of amphetamines, again without the bad parts associated with.

I felt very happy and open; empathetic and understanding would be a good description. I also talked a lot more as well. My mother and I don't have a very open relationship with each other, but I was able to talk to her about private issues of mine that I could never have told her without the help of Kratom. Looking back, I'm glad I was able to talk to her in that way. Kratom gave me the ease of mind, relaxation, energy and motivation to share my feelings with her. Soon after this, about an hour into the experience, I went to my girlfriends house. We layed in her bed and my mind was still very active yet paradoxically calm. We talked for at least an hour about our hopes, dreams, and what we think of other people. Thoughts flowed from my mind, all leaving positive imprints.

After talking, we watched 'What the *bleep* Do We Know?' an interesting movie dealing with quantum reality. During the movie I slipped into a waking dream, the 'nod' that is so pleasant on opiates. Here, I experienced dreams as if they were reality, even though I would wake up periodically and realize they were just a dream, to my amazement. It was very pleasant, and this went on for a hour or so more. Then I went home and to bed, and the dreamy presence of Kratom put me to sleep fast.

After taking high doses of Kratom, and not falling asleep right afterwards, I feel a 'hangover' that can be characterized as being irratable, and in just a bad mood. I did not experience this the first few times I drank Kratom, however the more I drink it on a regular basis, the more I notice these ill-effects.

Kratom let me open up to those closest to me in a way I cannot do sober. This means strong addiction potential, so as always, moderation is key.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42959
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 7,740
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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