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Only for the Experienced User
Citation:   Pharmgrad. "Only for the Experienced User: An Experience with 2C-I (exp43109)". Jan 13, 2009.

23 mg oral 2C-I
I must say that I am not an english major. im a scientist, but Ill try to put my experience in words. First off, this was not my first time taking 2ci, and it probably will not be the last. However, it may be a while before I try it again.

Me and five friends decided to take 2ci at about 8:30 at night. It took about 1 hour to take effect, at first it was mild and familiar, some anxiety (i always get with phenylethylamines) colors got brighter etc... At about 12:00 midnight it reached a peak that was so visually intense that we just sat around trying to come to grips with the fact that we couldnt communicate verbally.

There were multiple levels of visuals. One level was the persian carpet that was pretty much draped over everything, the next was the watery wave like effect that put everything in motion. The other visual effect was an incredible bursting pattern that Ive only seen with 5-meo-dmt. Then there was the starlike bright objects darting across my visual field, these lights also made a strange sparkling sound. The whole experience was not only visual, I had horrible anxiety and muslce pain (lower back and stomach).

We decided to walk around campus and the downtown area which made things much better. I would say that this peak experience lasted about 4 hours maybe more. Not Pleasant... However, at some point in the night there was an abrupt change in my mental and visual experience. Things became much more pleasant kind of like a dose of 14 mg. things were still wavey with marked colorful closed eye visuals, but the anxiety and muscle cramps were still present, just not at the level of before. I believe that if a zanax or valium been available things would have been great.

The problem is that after the 4 to 6 hours of intensity made my body and mind very tired. This is why the last 3 hours were miserable. We were all exhausted! I would say the the total expereince lasted about 10 hours. Most of my friends would agree. Im not sure why people report that 2ci lasts 6 hours, Bullshit! I am aware that the dose was a bit high, so Im sure that accounts for the longer duration.

Next time I wont take this dose at one time, I'll take maybe 14mg and then 3 hours later take about 6-7 mg. this may prevent the harsh intensity of the high dose but still give me good visuals and the ability to go out and socialize. Oh yeah, I'll have a benzo ready for sleep. I hope this is helpful.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43109
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2009Views: 5,446
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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