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12 Hours of Insanity
by IE
Citation:   IE. "12 Hours of Insanity: An Experience with LSD (exp43465)". Erowid.org. Feb 3, 2018. erowid.org/exp/43465

4 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It all started on a may night. I had wanted to trip hard on acid but was not at all ready for what would come. I ingested four blotter tabs of LSD and smoked approximately 5 joints. I was prepared for the intense hallucinations, this is why I had wanted to try LSD again. The first time I had 2.5 hits, it seemed like nothing. I had a nice body high and hallucinated for a little, I liked it so much I couldnt wait to try it again. I did and at first it was great. Then crazy thoughts entered my head. Around 4 hours after I had consumed the LSD I thought the apocalypse had come not only that I thought I was at the beach, I thought I won tickets to a concert, I thought a friend of mine was related to the grateful dead. I also thought Bill Gates controlled my head through an electronic chip in the acid. I also at one point thought I could go to the playboy mansion through a portal in the mirror and find and fight this kid through the tv.

What scared me the most was that the apocalypse had come, that all good had left me and everyone was trying to strand me in this basement. I then grabbed a lamp and hit this kid with it. I was convinced they were trying to strand me since I thought I was the only one left suicidal thoughts and depression engulfed my brain. I remember thinking about killing myself. The night could have gone completely wrong I could have killed someone or been killed. I cant explain why my body reacted that way, if my brain wasnt prepared or I just react that way to acid. I personally think the first acid I took was weak and I was not prepared for the voices I would hear. Im never trying acid again, something terribly wrong could have gone. I now view life differently I dont know how I think it was because of the suicidal thoughts I had and the depression that occured during that night. I will forever stay away from acid because my body reacted in such a horrible way. Acid was the worst experience of my life. I remember thinking I was melting and dieing and I wanted to live. I had crazy thoughts in my head and was probably capable of committing a horrible crime. I just thank God nothing bad happened.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43465
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2018Views: 1,049
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Bad Trips (6)

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