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Citation:   Hieroclasm. "Enhanced: An Experience with DHEA (exp43536)". Dec 14, 2005.

25 mg   DHEA (daily)
Recently I have been takeing 25 mg of DHEA daily. I have been trying to prepare my body for a 2,075 mile hike and decided to try DHEA to increase my performance. At first I noticed small changes such as increased sustainable energy and noticably more power. Being 20 years old I didn't notice the 'Feeling younger' side affect I've heard about but, I feel more capable. I've gained more muscle weight faster than with exercise alone and now my body is shaped more 'manly' with more definition in the muscles. I've also noticed an increased tolerance to muscle fatigue and pains that acompany grueling physical activity. My sex drive has decreased slightly though (probably a good thing since I'll be alone in the woods for a few months).

It makes me feel more primitive (fight or flight and that whole routine) and more masculine. It increases muscle tone, size and streanth but makes me slightly more aggresive. I also don't know how this hormone would affect a child or female anatomy but judgeing by the affects on my body I wouldn't want to find out.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2005Views: 18,578
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DHEA (171) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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