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Gross and Definitely NOT Worth It
Poppies - Opium (seeds/tea)
Citation:   NickAtNight. "Gross and Definitely NOT Worth It: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (seeds/tea) (exp46252)". Dec 21, 2022.

2 lbs oral Poppies - Opium (seeds)
Who: Myself and my buddy J.
What: Poppyseed tea, 4lbs split two ways.
Where: My apt, we decided to try some and watch a movie/get some work done.
When: Started at 8pm.

Why: Both J and I were looking for cheaper alternatives to pharmaceutical narcotics. The poppy seeds cost 3.75/lb from the website I ordered from.

How: 4lbs of poppy seeds were added to a very large pot. Enough water was added so there was an inch of water on top of the seeds in the pot before we started stirring. Lemon juice was also added as it seems to be used to help extract the alkaloids.

Previous Experience: Both J and I have sampled every narcotic from darvon to oxy. J has also done heroin, fentanyl patches, poppy pods, and methadone and I have not. We've both done various benzos, barbs, amphetamines, hallucinogens, etc etc.

7:00pml: Added the 4lbs of seeds, about a half liter of lemon juice, and ample water to a large pot and kept on low heat, stirring frequently.

8:00: Water has turned cloudy, seeds have turned from blue to an iron-like color, probably due to the absorption of the liquid, and the stuff smells really awful. I then turned off the heat and strained the seeds through a shirt. I divided up the liquid into two cups, each being just about 3/4 full, and we started drinking the nasty stuff.

8:35ish: This stuff tastes so nasty its making me nauseous, and I never really get nauseous on anything. We both had to use coke chasers, but finally finished the stuff.

9:15: Started feeling the onset of something, kinda of like a mixture of a good dose of phenobarb and codeine. Still feeling pretty nauseous.

10:30: This 'high' can only be described as 'dirty.' Yeah there is a bit of a narcotic feel to it, as well as a definite sedative-like quality as well, but the nausea is overshadowing any kind of positive feelings
the nausea is overshadowing any kind of positive feelings
about this experience thus far.

11:40: The positive effects of the seeds are basically gone, but the nausea is still present.

After-effects: I went to sleep nauseous and spent most of the next day still feeling sick and not being able to eat.

(+) Relatively cheap and easy to obtain
(+) Mild narcotic and sedative effects
(-) Extremely nasty tasting
(-) Lots of nausea

It was worth a try, but you couldn't pay me to take the stuff again.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46252
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2022Views: 552
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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