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The Liquid Snake
by 2C-I
Citation:   2C-I. "The Liquid Snake: An Experience with 2C-I (exp46644)". Nov 30, 2007.

1 capsl oral 2C-I (capsule)
Before 2C-I, I had never done anything else except drink and smoke marijuana. I was very excited about doing it because I had only heard good things about this amazing drug. My best friend and I, lets call her Amy, each obtained 1 capsule of 2C-I. We met up around 3:20pm and went into a restroom at a fast food place. At 3:30pm we ingested the 2C-I with a gulp of water and then proceded to her house talking about her previous experience with the drug. She had taken it the day before with her boyfriend. When we arrived at around 4pm we eagerly awaited the onset. We each had a pad of paper to write down our experience.

At 4:30pm I began to become very dissapointed that the drug was not going to work, Amy said that she could already feel the drugs affects coming on. She told me that the coming up feeling was slightly nauseating for her but she didn't have to puke. She lyed on the bed and waited for it to pass. As for myself I was getting more frustrated as the minutes ticked by. I was on my period at the time and decided to drink some vinegar to thin my blood, a strange idea but Amy encouraged the thought as well.

By 5pm I still had nothing and Amy was well on her way, the sick feeling had almost passed her. I told her I was going for a walk around the block to get my blood moving and to see if anything looked different. As I began my walk I started to feel strange, not sick but open and almost excited. I had this warm fuzzy feeling I guess and by the time my 10 minute walk was over and I got back to her house the drug had hit me... Fast. It was an amazing feeling and I was very happy. All I wanted to do was go outside and be with nature so we decided to go for a walk downtown and through the park to see if we got any visuals. Hot and cold tempuratures really affected us, when we were in the sun it was very very hot but nice all the same and when we were in a shadow it was very cold, almost to cold for a tank top.

It took us about 10 minutes to walk to the park, I found myself extremely talkative the entire way there and so did Amy. When we got to the park it was the most beautiful and amusing thing I had ever seen, I was taken back by the visuals that I had. The leaves on the trees were all clumped together and spinning around in about 20 different clumped spirals, it was very amusing and funny to watch. The cracks on the ground turned into lots of wiggling snakes I laughed at this and tried to walk on them. The flowers were also spinning and I couldn't take my eyes off them, colours were slightly brighter and more to look at. We took a trip through the mall as well and I found I did not like the atmosphere very much and all I could think of was going back outside.

We quickly went through the mall and it offered some amusment, the floor was moving and the occassional plant I saw would spin. Amy said that she was still not seeing the visuals to the extent I was so I tried my best to explain them. Then I had to go to the bathroom. The bathrooms were locked in the mall so I went outside under a parking garage. My friend Amy stood watch, but it was a small garage with no cars or many people around. My pee turned into this black liquid snake and was going towards Amy at a good pace. I was laughing it was very amusing, I knew it wasn't really a snake but it looked so real. All the black spots on the concret were wiggling and moving and they were fun to watch. After that we proceded back to her house. Things became more intense on the way back.

It was around 6:30pm or so when we got back. Amy still wasn't getting many visuals like I was but she was getting more of a feeling trip, she said she felt very happy and cute. We got spoons of peanut butter to munch on since neither of us had eaten since about 1 o'clock. I could barely eat anything, I was far to entertained when I spun the spoon of peanut butter around and it mad a cyclone looking thing. I then broke out into this hilarious laughing fit and Amy joined in with me. We must have laughed for 10 minutes straight. Time was a difficult thing to judge at this point in the trip but it didn't matter because we were having so much fun. We stayed inside for about a half hour then went back outside to go to the variety store. Grass looked crazy and amzing as we walked through a big thick patch of it. It was very soft but cold. Everything was so alive and happy and wonderful. I bought a bag of chips but didn't really want to eat them, Amy ate them though. I was more interested in nature.

The sunset was so beautiful. We sat in the park on a bench and watched it go down, for me the clouds and sky and colours were all wiggling and molding and melting. It made me feel very connected to everything. We enjoyed the rest of trips that night and when the stars and moon came out we went for a walk. The sky looked very beautiful and inviting, but I prefer day time trips. I left her house at around 9 and got home around 10. My trip lasted well into the night and the come down was very good. At one point on my walk home I felt so connected with the universe that I came to new relizations in my life. I had this vision of a soul or some sort of living being without body going through space and coloured clouds. I felt like I was this being and I was experiencing pure ecstasy almost. I felt complete. The next week following I felt alive and wonderful, 2C-I has changed my life for the better and I intend to do it again and would recommend this drug to almost anyone with an open mind.

From my experience with 2C-I I got very happy and lots of cool visuals and wonderful life changing experiences. My friend Amy did not really get visuals but more of a feeling trip and she to enjoyed it very much, but I don't think she had a life changing experience, not that she has told me anyway. Definatly doing this again soon! And also music is amazing on it to! But try to make it upbeat and happy.

By Aleah^_~

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46644
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2007Views: 5,364
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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