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From Virginia to Chinatown
Nitrous Oxide & Alcohol
Citation:   Talis. "From Virginia to Chinatown: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide & Alcohol (exp46695)". Mar 10, 2010.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
This is an interesting story that I thought I would share. I am 27 now but was aproximately 22 at the time this happened. I am a semi-experienced drug user, having experimented with alcohol, marijuana, mushrooms, peyote, cocain, crack, opiates, lsd. This experience that I am about to share happened to me while I was in the U.S. Navy, I have since gotten out and am going to college.

I am the product of two hippies. My parents where both very liberal drug users of the 60's. So it makes sense that I am a very liberal person and one who enjoys recreatinoal drug use. I was stationed in Maryland and met a like minded felow (lets call him Bob) and we instantly bonded. We could not smoke pot in the military because of random drug tests but we drank alot of beer. We were stationed in Maryland and had some crazy times, some of the best times of my life. One weekend we decided to visit friends in a neihboring city. The drive was about 3 hours and we arived at night.
That night we got drunk and partied. The next day we were looking for something to do and stumbled into a head shop that happened to sell nitrous canisters for carbonating drinks. So we bought 3 cases and a couple crackers and headed home. In the van on the way home they told me to try it and fixed me up a balloon. I had never done this before and was a little nervous (I am with all drugs, but find I enjoy them mostly). So my buddy tells me to breath in a big hit, blow it out then breath in another hit with no air. The first hit I had went like this

1. Draw in hit, hold in, blow out, draw in another hit, blow out. At this point I start feeling dizzy, then an intense euphoria overtakes me and I feel like I can’t feel my apendages. I feel like I’m shitty drunk but still have full controll of my body.

So we make it home and crack some beers. My friends and I waste no time in taking stock of our inventory and laughing at how much fun we are going to have for the next couple of days. We get comfortable and prepare for what will be an 8 hour inhale fest. We all do a couple of hits and find that it very fun. I get that intense feeling of euphoria and laugh alot. After a while I decide to see how much nitrous I can take. So I take in a hit, blow it out and without inhaling more oxygenated air, I inhale more nitrous, I do this 3 times, at which point I notice that I can hold my breath for as long as I want without the need for oxygen. I hold my breath for what seems like a decent amount of time only exhaling because I think I should not because it hurts. I exhale that 3rd hit and take another. Then this is what happened.

Right after I took that hit I remember falling to the floor with the balloon hanging out of my mouth, I was sitting so I didn’t get hurt. I remember everything feeling good and going black. Then it was as if I was in a tunnel in my mind and everything was black but things where starting to come into focus and I had this strange feeling about me. As things came into focus time seemed to slow alot and I saw that I was on a street in Chinatown with 2 Asian ladies walking past me very fast. This was only a glimpse and this all happened very fast. I started to gain conciousness and noticed that my face was in the carpet. I got up slowly and was told that I passed out for a few seconds. No one was worried cause they were all doing nitrous too.

We kept doing nitrous but I didn’t do as much as before. Then we went into my friends room and layed on his bed. I remember thinking it felt so nice with the cozy bed and the sun shining in the room making it warm. This is where I had my second (outing). I again took 3-4 hits without oxygen intake and the same thing happened. Except this time instead of Chinatown, I was in the mountains, like in the movie 'the sound of music', and everything was beautifull and it was as if I was flying through the mountains. This all happened so fast, it was like I got a small glimpse of it then slowly regained conciousness. I remember the feeling I got was one of intense (so hard to find this word) unrealness and at the same time mystery. I can understand how people who take ayuasca can think that aliens are talking to them (although I have never done that and probably have no idea what I’m talking about) but that feeling was there like I was watching a movie of my life and it was an episode of xfiles.. weird, maybe I’m just a phsyco. Anyways, that’s about it. We did nitrous off and on the whole weekend and had a blast but I only did enough to get a nice buzz no more 'trips'. Hope this helps.

Retrospect: although this was very fun I am glad that I did it once and never again, I seriously killed some brain cells and think I will just smoke pot, its much longer lasting and has less ill effects.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 46695
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 10, 2010Views: 14,918
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