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The Hidden Dark Forrest
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   I like Breakfast. "The Hidden Dark Forrest: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp47194)". Sep 17, 2007.

3 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I've tried smoking dried salvia leaves with little effect and wanted something with a bigger 'kick'. So I tried 10x extract. My set and setting consisted of me being in a good mood, in a comfortable environment, my friend's bedroom during the day in a bed sitting upright. Two of my friends were present. I made myself comfortable on his bed with pillows behind my back. My friend would load the small wooden pipe for me and light it while I took my hits. I usually held them in 20 to 30 seconds before exhaling. I had about 7 or 8 hits, I believe. We used a butane lighter to get more heat out of it.

So I was smoking this stuff in the bed and suddenly I started feeling really heavy. It was relaxing though, like when I'm under a big heavy quilt. I wanted some visuals so I closed my eyes. I started seeing the colors that I normally see when I close my eyes after looking at a bright light. The light from the windows in front of me were burned into my vision. These lights seemed to form stairs in front of me. Just as I was about to go further I opened my eyes to see the pipe in my face again. I took one last long hit and closed my eyes. Before anything happened, one of my friends muttered something like 'Is he tripping?'. I heard it clearly but it echoed like crazy and I kept hearing the last word, 'tripping', repeated over and over again like a broken record.

The first thing that happened was very strange. I felt as if I was sinking into the bed (leaving my body behind) and into another world. Then, I saw a green sort of cylinder in the distance in a void of blackness. I floated towards this and finally grasped onto the side of it. As soon as I was on it, it began to spin slowly like a carousel, except it seemed like I was going some place instead of just around in circles. Also, I felt a friend was next to me on the object. Though I didn't bother to look, I remember hearing him talking. I can't remember what he said. This was probably one of my friends talking in the real world next to the bed. At this point I had casually forgotten that I had even smoked Salvia and I didn't even distinguish the real world from this fantasy one.

After this I can remember very little of the trip. I do remember walking around in a dark forest, not a scary one though, and seeing a sort of teddy bear type thing.
Next, I remember 'waking up' briefly and opening my eyes. I was seeing my friend's bedroom but I had a sort of tunnel vision; my view was surrounded by gray, sort of like I was watching a movie of my own vision on a screen from far away. I tried to speak to my friends but when I opened my mouth and tried to form words all that came out was 'duh duh ahhh'. Please excuse the crudeness of this comparison but it sounded as though I was severely retarded. It was like trying to speak with a bowling ball in my mouth. During this, I was completely aware of the way I was talking and eventually gave up on it all together and closed my eyes for more tripping.

The next thing I remember was 'waking up'. When I awoke from the trip, I felt extremely comfortable in the bed and it seemed like I had awoken from 14-hour sleep, or perhaps even longer. Later, my friends told me that I had my eyes closed for about 5 minutes, mumbling occasionally and incoherently. My friend also said that when I was speaking as I described earlier, I said something about a table. I can't remember saying this, nor can I remember a table having anything to do with my trip. I felt a little dizzy and heavy for about 5 minutes after it was over, but then I felt totally fine.

All in all, smoking Salvia Divinorum was a unique and wonderful experience. I recommend it to anyone looking for some excitement. My only regret was that I didn't remember more of my trip. Though, I was quite satisfied with the sheer power of the standardized 10x extract.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47194
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 17, 2007Views: 4,656
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