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Unexpected Wisdom
Citation:   Witherbones. "Unexpected Wisdom: An Experience with Cannabis (exp48311)". Jan 2, 2021.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have had significant experience with marijuana. I first started using it the summer before senior year of high school. I used it about once every one to two weeks during senior year of high school. I mostly got high by myself. I really enjoyed and appreciated the different state of mind that it granted me. I mostly used it by myself though. My friends were not into it at all and my girlfriend was not at all keen on my use of marijuana. I continued using it during the summer before college at about the same rate as during senior year of high school. When I got to college the friends I made were much more into pot than during high school. I started smoking weed several times a week probably. It was also during this time that I took mushrooms for the first time. I only took a gram and a half, but it was an enjoyable experience. I also drank modestly during this time. Drinking has never been something that has appealed to me very strongly.

During this time my tolerance to marijuana had increased significantly and my experience had become different. It was no longer such an eye opening mental experience. It was now more dull and sedating. It was defiantly still fun, though not at all unpleasant. I lost some respect for marijuana during this time though. The night before this was written I was with two other friends and we had packed a bong with some “headies”, as they call exceptionally good pot in these parts. These parts being a state university in Vermont.

It was about midnight and I was in the dorm room of a friend whom I am close with and smoke pot with regularly. That friend took a hit and then passed it to me. I took one big bong hit and passed it along. I felt it come on immediately. We started talking and one of my friends mentioned how someone from his high school had commited suicide. I thought about how desperate someone would have to be to do something like that. From then on during the night my trains of thought became very deep and profound. I felt sorrow like I had never felt before. This experience lasted for about two hours with great intensity and began to taper off until I went to sleep at about two hours and twenty minutes later. During that time I felt as though I experienced and realized the presence of evil all around me. I realized it was something that had always been there and had been something I had covered up from myself. It was something I could not get out of my consciousness. I did not feel bad particularly. But, I had a deep realization that surrounded me with what I felt was evil. I saw that everyone has true evil in them. I saw that I evil, I saw that my friends have evil, I saw that my family members have evil, I saw that people I see just for a brief moment while walking to class must have evil. Before this I had believed that there was good and bad in everyone. But, what was especially profound was that I realized that it was not bad that people had, it was evil. I realized that the term bad as applied to people’s personality was really a way of covering up and excusing people for their evil. I have thought about this quite a bit today.

I have concluded that this experience is more than just some stoned daydream, but instead being stoned helped me accept these facts which I have always known. I have also concluded that good is manifested in love and evil is manifested in spite and selfishness. This insight is something that I will probably never forget and is the closest that I have come to a spiritual experience in my eighteen years of being brought up in a strongly catholic family. For me anyway, I have learned two things, a very important part of human nature and also the potential of a drug that is generally viewed as something that produces a relatively mild effect.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48311
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2021Views: 620
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Cannabis (1) : Mystical Experiences (9), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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