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Probably Better Seperately
Mushrooms & Dimenhydrinate
Citation:   Anonymous. "Probably Better Seperately: An Experience with Mushrooms & Dimenhydrinate (exp48407)". Feb 18, 2008.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
The night started off innocently enough. I was sitting in my dorm room, contemplating taking the Dramamine that I had laying around. It had been in my drawer for quite some time, but I just never really had the will to do it. I was really excited about it when I got the vial, but after a few weeks and a lot more research it just didn't seem as interesting or as worth it. However, the weekend before that I did Salvia for the first time and I was reconsidering doing dimenhydrinate. I figured if I could take Salvia and enjoy it, this should be easy. But that feeling faded as the evening went on and I got to working on some homework. Then my friend came in with an 8th of shrooms. He wanted to split them with me, and I was down for that, but I usually take an 8th all to myself, so I figured the trip would be pretty mild.

It was anything but mild. These were excellent shrooms. The normal confusion/clarity cycle set in after a while. I interacted with the people on my floor for as long as I felt comfortable doing so, but then realized that I hadn't stop coming up yet, so I figured my room was the best place for me (I have a single dorm room). So back in my room I'm listening to some music, playing Katamari Damacy and other equally strange things to do on shrooms. Then my neighbor walks in again and we talk for a while. We get around to talking about dimenhydrinate and he eggs me on to take it. I've done my research, and the general consensus is have a sitter, so I told him I'd only do it if he promised to watch me. He said okay, but then I made my first mistake, and that was trusting someone who I had only smoked pot with a few times before in the past.

I go fill up all my water bottles in the bathroom because I had read about the extremely uncomfortable dry mouth. I came back, took twelve 50mg pills and continued to play Katamari Damacy. I figured that I should give my mind something to concentrate on seeing as it was late and I didn't want the Dramamine to knock me out. About an hour after taking the pills, my vision started to blur and I got the common body high of feeling incredibly heavy. Then I turn to talk to my friend and he's no longer in the room. I got really pissed right about now seeing as it's only midnight and he ditched on me, which I had explained to him was a dangerous thing to do. I shrugged it off because he was on shrooms and decided that I could handle it on my own. I knew that if I saw/heard something that it would be a hallucination, so I just sat quietly playing Katamari Damacy.

I couldn't stop playing, but I'd get confused as to why I was playing or what my objective was, and I'd have sets of 30-60 seconds where I'd just sit and do nothing but stare at random stuff. I was on a quest and I knew something needed to be completed. The music in the game went from being pretty catchy, to being the most insane awesome stuff I had ever heard. This one song (Angel Flavor’s Present, for anyone wanting to know which one) was amazing. It was playing and I was hearing parts of it that I had never heard before. The song is only around 5 minutes long, but it felt like it was 30 minutes long. Also, the songs in the game usually cycle once your Katamari gets big enough, but whenever I’d get big enough, the same song would just repeat. I’m not sure if the song actually repeated or if I just thought it did, but it was an awesome auditory hallucination.

I felt this intense “bond” to the game and didn’t want to turn it off, but finally for some reason I randomly stood up, turned off the PS2, and put in Gran Turismo 4. I raced a lap around Nurbergring just to see what that was like. My normal time in the car I was in was around 7 minutes and 45 seconds. I did this lap in 9 minutes and 30 seconds. I couldn't drive straight, or do practically anything right at all. I’d be driving along, concentrating on apexing corners and braking, etc, but randomly I’d loose concentration, my mind would wander, and I’d be in the grass. Then I’d over-corrected and spin the car. I should have stuck with Katamari Damacy, it’s a much simpler game, and I had a sense of clarity and safety when playing that game for whatever reason. I looked at my clock and it said 1:45, which was late seeing as I had to be up for class at 7:30.

At this point I'm hearing things. The people in the hall sound like they're right next to me in my bed, and whenever I close my eyes I'd have these really strange visuals that I can't quite remember. I decided it was time to go to bed seeing as I didn't have a sitter, it was late, and I wasn't really experiencing the drug the way I wanted to. I went to the bathroom and took a leak, then went back to my room. But as I lay down to go to bed the clock said 12:50. That was really weird for me, but I figured, whatever, I need to get to sleep. So I tried to get to sleep.

I'd wake up (Was I even asleep?) every 5-10 minutes and realize that I was extremely uncomfortable, but tell myself that I had to go back to bed. At around 4:00 I finally fell asleep. I woke up again at 5:30 to open my window because it was ungodly hot in my room. At 7:30 my alarm went off and I woke up, realized I was still high, and went back to bed. At 11:30 I woke up and got out of bed, then realized that I hadn't drank any water since I took the pills. My throat was a frickin' desert. The hangover lasted until about 4:30 PM and now everything seems to be back to normal. My throat is still a little sore, but a bunch of water helped out.

I'm definitely going to do this drug again (not too soon though, as I don't really feel like getting addicted to this stuff) but I don't think I'll ever combine it with mushrooms again. The mushrooms alone were great, but when I combined them with the dimenhydrinate it seemed to counter-act each other, and all I was left with was blurry vision and a really heavy body high. I'm not sure if that's the case or not, but it's what appeared to happen to me.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48407
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2008Views: 13,006
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Mushrooms (39), Dimenhydrinate (17) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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