Strange Weed
Citation:   LaffyDuck. "Strange Weed: An Experience with Cannabis (exp48902)". Nov 18, 2022.

0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis
I have been a cannabis user for quite a number of years now, but have never quite experienced what I experienced the other night. I purchased a tiny amount of weed from a friend. I say tiny because I remember feeling a bit of disappointment that I got what I felt was about half the amount for the same price. And when I examined it, it didn't look like much, didn't have that potent, exotic smell I associate with really good weed. Maybe one sad looking bud, and the rest was all crumbled up leaves, kind of pulverized looking.

Be that as it may, I went home and decided to smoke a bit of it, just to test it. Prior to smoking, I made some fresh vegetable juice for my girlfriend and me. Then I stepped outside, lit up, and took a couple of good strong hits, taking down half the joint, thinking I'd need that just to feel the minimal effects of this schwag.

Then I went back inside and began to disassemble the juicer and wash the parts in the sink, and in so doing, began to experience the onset, which seemed fairly normal. I remember standing at the sink and rinsing the juicer blade, then just standing and letting the ice cold water flow over my hands from the faucet and thinking it felt really good to do so. Then I finished, and turned to pour the fresh juice I had made into the glasses when suddenly my hand and the juice glass burst into crazy colors which swirled around within the outlines of my hand and the glass. I closed my eyes, hoping to bring things back to normal, and was startled by the appearance of huge red and pink flowers turning like gears behind my closed eyes. The flowers resembled candy, like something you'd see on a cake or something. Somehow I controlled these images and impressions and managed to bring the juice upstairs where my girlfriend had already gone to bed. On the way back down, my feet were uncoordinated due to the patterns of the oriental carpeting on the stairs and the way faces and animals were lurking in the patterns which were somehow animated and moving here and there. I was trying hard not to step on any one of these, thanking God my girlfriend had gone to bed so she wouldn't see me.

One of my favorite things to do when I'm stoned is to keep a journal, write down my fractured but interesting thoughts, so, seeing this was some trippy weed, I got a pen and pad and went to work. While I was writing, somehow the TV was on, which disturbed me at first, though I never thought to turn it off.

Writing became difficult as the page kept on shifting into some 3-D and my hand was flat as the paper. The pen marks were looking more like pencil marks and I thought it should somehow be sharpened, and I was distracted further by the fact that the bottom edge of the TV screen and the entertainment center were turning into a view of a medieval European village, reminding me of a painting by Pieter von Brueghel.

I was looking at the European street scene when suddenly everything separated into cubes which shifted in response to the movements of my head. The cubes separated enough so I could see beyond them, as though some sort of illusion were disintegrating. What I saw was a kind of fractal thing, or more like the effect of standing between two mirrors and seeing the same objects repeat themselves into infinity. This impression kept fading in and out, and was only perceivable peripherally--it would be normal if I looked directly at it.

Suddenly the cubes (on the paper I had written they were Ultra 3-D, or 4-D) lifted up and I saw everything in the world, and all people in the world in all directions, all connected by some kind of yellowish umbilical cords. Somehow, I either heard a voice, or saw the words printed in my mind, but someone said 'We are all the same thing.' This was only for a brief instant, then the screens came back down in unison, before they, too, disappeared. Every time I closed my eyes, the same flowers were quietly turning like gears, and sat against a bold black background under a beautifully colored stained-glass sky like a Tiffany lamp.

I found myself sitting on the couch when I came back down, and saw that somewhere in there I had turned off the TV. Then, quite abruptly, the high vanished, as though my brain had switched off a circuit, and I went to bed. I cannot say that I had ever experienced such dramatic hallucinations from smoking any kind of weed before, and found the effect to be quite profound and a little disturbing. I almost suspect some other substance has been mixed in with the weed, like maybe salvia or who knows what. I did have some brief moments of panic, simply because I didn't expect to get so high, or experience such mind-bending hallucinations, but I managed to talk myself through it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 428
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