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Codeine's good friend...Marijuana
Codeine & Cannabis
Citation:   Pot4life. "Codeine's good friend...Marijuana: An Experience with Codeine & Cannabis (exp4956)". Mar 2, 2001.

This is not really specific experience, but rather an insight into how to better enjoy Codeine. I have used Codeine to getted fucked up about 15 times and I must say that the combination of Marijuana with the Codeine can make or break the experience. Codeine and weed have a synergy unlike any I have ever experienced on any other drugs (I have done alcohol, weed, coke, acid, shrooms, dxm, opium, ether and painkillers). When you combine the two you can't really feel the distinct effects of either drug, but more of a new feeling that is much more euphoric and calm.

Another positive effect of the combination is the anti-nausea effect of the weed which can help with the codeine stomach irritation. The really strange and unexplainable thing about the combination is the fact that the 2 drugs feel like they have become one completely different drug, where with most combinations you can still feel defineable effects from each drug. A combination that is much more powerful, but displays slightly less synergistic effects, is ether during the peak of an acid trip. But thats another story...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4956
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2001Views: 46,165
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Codeine (14), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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