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We've Gone Too Far
Citation:   Phen Fiend. "We've Gone Too Far: An Experience with 2C-E (exp49788)". Jun 21, 2007.

  insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]

As I walked out of the Post Office with my friend M, I'm opening the package, like five envelopes later I find my prize: 100 mg of 2,5 Dimethoxy-4-ethyl-phenethylamine. Finally I have it in my hands.

Stranded miles away from home in the middle of January, We decide to catch the bus home. But first we had to make our mistake. Foolishly we walk into the Handicap bathroom (there's a Lock) to snort an unweighed amount of the chemical. M buys a tuna & crackers thing for the spoon. Using the spoon I scoop what appears to be a large dose of the stuff. It looked like about 15 mg's of 2C-I, So i assumed we were taking huge doses.

I snorted the pile I had made for me, M was trying to crush it up and I told him to stop cuz it would hurt no matter what. I was pleased to feel the burn of a new R/C in my nose, little did I know that it would lead to a learning experience. I walked out of the bathroom and immediately thought we had missed the bus. An overwhelming amount of what I called 'The Fear' came apparent to me. M shoved a cracker with tuna on it against my lip and I lost it, I had to Puke. When I did it was easy and strange, The vomit stayed in the toilet and looked as if it was glowing a bright yellow. I had little time but I have never had visuals so good in my life. 'Maxwell we have gone TOO far.' Maxwell is not the name of my friend, however when we trip we call one another maxwell.

Finally the bus came. Getting on it was the strangest experience I have ever had on a hallucinogenic. It was a long ride downtown but it gave me time to examine the drugs properties and get into the vibe of 2C-E. Holy Shit this stuff feels bad for your body at his high of a dose, I can feel the toxicity and I tell myself I have got to be more Careful with my next R/C. The mental high I had was almost a blank one. I had a ringing in my ears that would change constantly like being stuck between two AM radio frequencies. The snow looked beautiful gently waving. Like a calm ocean of very fine crystals. at last we were downtown.

Sitting downtown was weird. I saw what appeared to be a hot girl or a really pretty boy dressed up like a girl. While sitting next to an older native man I was digging through my pockets and my bag of 2C-E flopped out on my lap. Severe paranoia set in, when what should happen but our girlfriends pulling up right in front of us. We ran for the car and we were on our way home.

At the house we were joined by M2, K, and K2 in our trip. Feeling left out me and M also snorted more. as well as tried to smoke it on weed and in a bubble to conclude that smoking it is pointless. I felt like I would be freezing cold all night so I grabbed a Blanket and wrapped myself up like a joint, while K rolled some weed up in a joint. We smoked. K and K2 are females and they had really bad experiences, they said they thought they were gonna die. I expected it from K2 but not K. M2 didn't get much of anything off of it. J came over to try the New 2C with his girlfriend S. I put on some headphones and went in the dark by myself.

Listening to Cradle of Filth I drifted into a cartoonish reality in my head. A dancing Japanese Child I identified as 2C-E was to be my guide. Uncaring of my limits the drug carried me all over my memories, but no emotion towards any memory was felt. I thought to myself, 'if everything fake is so noticeable, is reality just something we hope for? If eternity means all unending than is what comes next really what comes first?'

I couldn't fall asleep for shit that night. I was up until noon the next day. A total of 16 hours passed by before I was done tripping. The next day smoking pot made me uncomfortable and my back hurt like crazy, day after that everything was back to normal. I found out the hard way that doing R/C's is a responsibility, No longer will I dive head first into a pool of new substance. I can't say I didn't have fun though, I had a blast.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49788
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2007Views: 1,351
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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