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No more War
by Esy
Citation:   Esy. "No more War: An Experience with Cannabis (exp4994)". Mar 3, 2001.

2 hits smoked Cannabis
I have only been smoking for about 6 months, it hasn't been that long but I decided to put it aside. I already told one of my friends that I had tried it, and she stoped talking to me b/c she thought I smoked. I think all smokers have gone trough that. I decided to try it one more time then stop for good.

It was my birthday and these 3 girls said they were gonna smoke me out. They got the stuff and we went in an empty parking lot and smoked up. They claimed it was kb, but it was a different experience. I took two good hits and was gone... I felt like I wasn't there, it felt like I had never existed.

Before I smoked I was at the mall and got in an argument with this guy and I drove off. We decided to go back to the mall and get something to eat. When the girls were eating something the guy came up to me and wanted to fight me. All I did was shake his hand and say something i have never said before. I said: 'Listen man, I'm sorry I didn't mean to mess with you. Let's all just be friends' Right when he heard me say that he smiled and said it's cool.

I had never felt better in my life. I apologized to everyone that night for all the bad things I had done in the past to them. The next day I became depressed but I understood that the world was'nt created so that we can fight and waste our time, but it was created to make peace and love. I use to be a bitch before this experience, but now I'm a new man.....

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2001Views: 8,410
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Various (28)

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