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Numbers, Vertigo and The Guy
2C-E & 2C-I
Citation:   Kaleidoscope. "Numbers, Vertigo and The Guy: An Experience with 2C-E & 2C-I (exp50169)". Oct 29, 2007.

17 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  7.5 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
It was a Saturday and my roommate and our mutual friend decided we should trip. It was a gorgeous day for the end of January. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky and it was so warm that not only were jackets unnecessary but we were comfortable in short sleeved t-shirts. With such a beautiful day, we simply couldn’t resist the opportunity to trip and go to a new place we had discovered. So I contacted our friend after asking my roommate if he was in and our friend came over.

We originally planned on only taking 17 mgs of 2C-E dissolved in distilled water. My roommate and I decided that with a day this nice we should really shoot for a heavy trip. Now both of us are pretty experienced with psychedelics. Both my roommate and I have experience with high dose mushroom trips, LSD, 2C-I, 2C-E, and DXM. We had never combined anything before though so we figured that adding 7.5 mgs of 2C-I to each of our doses would be enough to make things really, really insane. Our friend only took the 17 mgs of 2C-E and he had been warned ahead of time that 17 mgs was NOT a low dose. We dosed at 4:30 PM.

Now, after dosing, we each smoked a bowl of ganja to the face. Most people, from what I gather don’t smoke a lot of weed while tripping, just enough to kill the nausea and body feelings I guess. We on the other hand feel it’s a necessity at all times. Hey, what can I say, we’re intensity junkies and weed adds exactly that to any trip in our experience. If it’s intense, it can be made more so by weed and that DEFINITELY holds true for this mix of reality destruction. After the bowls we played some Super Smash Brothers on the N64 and chilled in my roommate’s room.

After an hour of that we felt a little messed up but nothing too insane. We felt in control enough to be out in public so we donned our sun glasses and left the house headed toward ‘The Numbers.’ Now let me explain what ‘The Numbers” is. ‘The Numbers’ is a place at Carnegie Mellon University. It’s bounded on three sides by buildings. On one of the buildings there are no windows and the wall is painted blue with a white box containing a quote about the nature of time. The quote reads from the bottom right to the top left. In the center of the pseudo-courtyard formed by the three buildings is a large table like platform about 2 feet off the ground that is shaped in a flowing but abstract way. On this platform is a grid of random numbers that are oriented randomly at right angles to each other. This platform is huge and there are hundreds of numbers on it. This platform is surrounded by a garden of bushes with maze like paths that leave from the platform, snake through the garden, and arrive back at the platform. When we left to go to ‘The Numbers,’ we were not even close to peaking.

It’s about a 15 to 20 minute walk from there to the house and vice versa. When we got there we were definitely up but still only about half way to the peak. We played around in that area when we got there, walking the paths contemplating the quote on the wall which strangely kept changing after a while. Then I noticed the bushes, it seemed like they were growing in front of my eyes. Then they went from growing to moving. I was sure I just witnessed the evolution of the plant kingdom for a few seconds until I realized that I was hallucinating.

I realized we were very foolish in going out in public at the exact same time as my roommate and we hinted to our friend because he was not nearly as aware of how insane things were going to get soon. He also was on less of a trip I think too since he didn’t take any 2C-I. We headed back to the house with our brains filled with ideas about math, time, and existence. Those things would have to wait though because there were four lane highways to be crossed and traffic whipping by my face at speeds measured in miles per second and distance in mere inches. At this point, I was lucky to have my mp3 player because it was the only thing keeping me sane. The entire world was moving. Buildings were swaying, the ground was moving, and trees were reaching out for me. I was hallucinating so hard that it was hard to walk. I was also having trouble mentally, my brain was going nuts for a while because I couldn’t tell what was real or what was a hallucination. Things like “The traffic light looks green…but is it?” or “Is that a car coming is it in my head?”

The trip home seemed like it took days even though I was power walking and probably made it home in about 10 to 15 minutes. When I got in to the house, I would say I peaked, and I peaked HARD. I walked into my pitch black living room which our other roommates so thoughtfully rearranged. I got through it to my one other roommate’s room to get Labyrinth, which was fine. I turned the lights out in his room and went back to the living room. ZANG! All of a sudden my brain had said “bye bye!” to reality. I was surrounded by absolutely insane fractal patterns for what seemed like forever. Slowly the fractals formed into the living room. The living room as it was not supposed to be in my mind. I became extremely disoriented and all of a sudden the floor was the ceiling and the room was spinning around me. This gravity defying was getting to me and I felt a little sick. My roommate turned on the light upstairs and it was just enough to see the cord for the light in the living room. I turn it on as fast as possible. This is by far the most insane hallucination I have EVER had.

At this point, we all regrouped up in my roommate’s room and discussed what was happening. I told them about what happened to me and then I realized my roommate had disappeared for that period of time. He had attempted to walk down the hill behind our house which is litter with trash and not a nice or even safe place at all. He said that experience really shook him up a lot. Our friend had walked back with me but bolted upstairs while I was in the dark living room. He was still fine, nothing earth shattering had happened to him yet. We all realized that for once in our life, we didn’t feel like smoking a bowl. In fact I was downright scared of what it might do.

We then decided to go down and chill in the now lit up living room. Our living room is basically a structural reminder of how hard one is tripping. The Persian Rug was more alive than I’ve ever seen it. The wood grain on the paneling was flowing like mad. The walls were breathing like it was going out of style. Everyone else’s faces were doing the thing from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas that the parking attendant’s face does when they first arrive in Vegas. The other people also looked very ‘cartoony.’

We got bored with the living room after a bit and went back up to my roommate’s room and listened to some music and watched some music videos. In particular two videos stuck out. One was “Feel Good Inc.” by the Gorillaz and the other was “Bat Country” by Avenged Sevenfold. In “Feel Good Inc.” there’s a part where there’s an insane guy on a bunch of screens just laughing like a crazy person. He destroyed our friend in a very good way. He was laughing so hard that he couldn’t stop for a half an hour. We all found that pretty funny but our friend carried that guy through the rest of the trip, insisting on seeing the video over and over again, which was fine, because the guy was destroying us every time as well.

After music video time, we watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. And at some point during that I figured out how the universe work mathematically in my head but lost the thought immediately after conceiving of it. This was frustrating to degrees that I have never experienced before. After getting over that frustration I realized that the secret lies in chaos theory and that chaos theory could quite possibly explain all most all natural processes and systems. Whether or not that’s true or not for real I have no clue, but at that time, I believed it.

Everything is a little hazy after this point, I remember playing a lot more Super Smash Brothers and coming to the realization that the only way to play that game was on drugs. I also remember there being lots of pot smoking, we killed an eighth between the three of us. I tried to get to bed at around 4:30AM and listened to “Comfortably Numb” on loop for about 2 more hours before I actually fell asleep. The next day I felt pretty mentally normal and had very few of the memory problems I often have the next day which was odd, because 2C-I normally leaves me completely burnt out the next day.

As far as the quality of the trip on this combination, I would say it was excellent. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who hasn’t had quite a bit of experience with these things as certain things can be very hard to deal with. I found the entire world to be flipping out for about 12 hours and had some pretty insane body feelings. Music was excellent. Mentally the trip was pleasant and pretty deep which I attribute to the 2C-E as 2C-I seems to be quite shallow in my experience. I’d say that I’d probably do it again if given the opportunity. I definitely would not leave my house on this again, that was definitely not safe in any way shape or form.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2007Views: 12,992
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2C-E (137), 2C-I (172) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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