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I Defined My Consciousness
Citation:   Mathais. "I Defined My Consciousness: An Experience with 2C-E (exp50388)". Jul 9, 2006.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45 5.0 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
What a shitty day. I was finally out of Christmas money, ending a 2 week long drinking/smoking/partying binge. I felt the withdrawal in my gut Saturday afternoon. Nothing short of a fat rail of coke could lift my spirits. These were horrible psychological conditions to trip. I was depressed, trapped in a cloud of hopelessness. Yet, I felt since it was Saturday night, I was obligated to participate in some sort of substance use. I met up with my friends, N, and Fellow. They bought a gram of cocaine and I bought some 2ce. We migrated to Fellow’s basement around 8pm.

A 10mg line of 2ce lay in front of me. At a dollar an mg, insufflations seemed cost efficient enough for me to risk any additional danger. Rolled bill in hand, all eyes on me. Apprehension. A countdown. 3...2...1...gone. My brains first recognizable reaction was a sensation of smell. There is a strange, but only faint smell that colors the entire trip, giving every breath of air a laboratory or hospital like musk. My sensory experience was overwhelmed within seconds as the predicted wave of pain washed over my face. It is not a frightening pain or even one to make me cringe significantly, it is more of a 'this is serious shit' pain.

WAITING. For what seems like 15 minutes. 'Its only been 7', answers N. If I were to dissect, 2ce there would be 1 part MDMA, 1 part Ritalin/Adderall, 1 part LSD. Those are not the ingredients, but what the drug 'feels' like. There was no hangover. The first to kick in is the stimulant. I became energetic, jumped over furniture and paced around smiling helplessly. It was the energy of pure excitement. A few minutes of constant pacing later I played hand drums on a ping pong table, and the air around my hands rippled slightly. I played as fast as I could and my hands were full blurs. I knew I was beginning to trip. I purchased 5 more mg, about 45 minutes after my first dose, and it was probably the best decision I made that week.

We all moved to the car and I sat in back. I knew I would want the space, a fairly undisturbed existence. It was here, alone in the car with the dome light on that I experience the first traces of psychedelia. Sitting in bitch, the two front seats began to pump. The air seemed to be pushing and molding the heads of the seats in obscure, but flowing shapes, as the heart of the chairs pumped who the hell knows what through the large arteries. I struggled to see the map of its circulatory system, but here I hit the limit of 2ce's hallucinogenic power.

So then we were driving. Music was playing quietly and I felt it as if it were 3 times as loud. Though it was smashing pumpkins, and not worth turning up. I browsed Fellow's CD collection. Nothing recognizable. Egg. Egg. WTF? I flipped the page but ached to go back. Egg begins. Floydesque. Medieval fair style guitars rang and my trip began. I closed my eyes and put myself in 1050ad, a dark mountainside. The image was captured and the 2ce took over, flowing like a camera on a bird to a small fenced in village. I floated over the fence about 10 feet in the air and glided over the village, which was looking more like a kingdom on closer view. No one noticed me. Screen went blank. I opened my eyes, I had been lying face up in the backstead. The volume had been turned down for inane conversation. I was the only one tripping, I guess Egg isn't that great sober.

Their talking died down and I signaled them to turn it back up and I re-entered. This time, still flapping above, the large town and its people were cartoonish and vibrantly colorful. I laughed out loud when I saw the people were eggs, with thin rubbery arms and legs. They had no necks or chins, some had hats, the women had obviously died hair. They were going about their days, in peace. They lived in houses like in the Mushroom Kingdom in mario's world, and quietly went about doing trivial tasks. This was kind of boring.

I asked for a cd change but no one heard me. Did I even speak? Oh well, the Eggs will have to do. When I got back, which took a while, the Eggs were training young eggs in archery, and swordsman ship. They had pretend armor on, and marched in rows. Seconds had been days and days had been years and times of war were approaching. The guitars went minor. The dark cloud over the mountainside creeped closer, and the armies of Eggs, now large, metal covered Eggs of death, marched to the pounding snare beats of the Eggmasters.

The army waited, and waited but the storm died down, breaking off into smaller clouds that floated by as the days went on and nothing ever happened. I awoke very disappointed. The members of Egg could have written an outstanding song if they had it in them to bring the storm of death and pain right towards the Egg kingdom.

The scope and detail of my closed-eye hallucination is what sets 2ce apart from LSD or Psilocybin. If our conscious thought is like driving, down long winding stretches of neurons, then thinking on 2ce is like flying a helicopter, 50 feet off the ground. Observing the roadways, planning ahead, and seeing a much fuller picture. I see the whole network of interconnecting thoughts that I always knew was there (just like all streets are mapped) but were never able to fly over and observe at once. Conscious thought on Shrooms or Acid, to me, is on the ground level, but flying like a rollercoaster. Thinking on 2ce does not give me psychic abilities, but allows me to plan my route of thought ahead. This makes conversation, even with strangers, almost seamless. Direct and focused. These conversations grow to levels of startling.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2006Views: 9,169
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4)

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