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Sweating and Freaked Out
Psychoactive Amanita spp.
Citation:   madskillz4evr. "Sweating and Freaked Out: An Experience with Psychoactive Amanita spp. (exp50790)". Mar 1, 2010.

20 g oral Amanitas (dried)
I recently ordered an OZ of Washington grade 'A' aminitas off the internet and decided to give them a try. I first tryed to smoke the mushrooms but they tasted pretty gross and i decided to just eat some. Thinking these couldnt possibly make me trip out as bad as some of the reports on the internet and other sites say i decided to just down 20 grams (at 1 A.M.) and see what happened...holy crap.

For the first hour and a half i felt nothing at all so i decided to go to sleep, this is when i started to feel the effects. The moment i closed my eyes images would flash through my head, very random images at that. Like a tire and then a road then a house about 15 different things over and over again. I thought this was pretty funny at first but then i started sweating......horribly. I have never in my life sweat as much as i did this night.

Not wanting to lay in my bed because i was covered in sweat i decided to lay on my couch where the real freaky trippping started. As i would lay on the couch i lost complete touch with reality not knowing where i was or what was going on. This is where it gets difficult to explain what happened. I felt like i was in a dream that i could not escape... like in the movies where someone has a dream and wakes up terrified only to realize they woke up in another dream, like 'ground hog day' the movie. This happened to me about 50 times when i started to get pretty freaked out feeling like it would never end and i had no control over it at all.

I finally stood up and it started to happen again except this time i felt like i was in another universe trying to get back to reality. every once in a while i would snap out of it and have no idea where i was or what i was doing and i would just pace around my room trying to figure something out after this i dont really remember much except that when i came to i was pukeing in the sink with the water running and the sink was overflowing. after i got all the puke out i just stood there...couldnt see anything more than 5 feet away from my face. As i looked around my room i noticed I had changed shirts about 6 times over the night (now about 6:30 A.M.) and noticed one shirt was completely soaked as if i literally put it in a bucket of water. I could have even rung it out if i wanted to.

I had class at 8:30 A.M. went to that still sweating and blurry eyed did not get my full vision back till about 3:00 that day. Other than the sweating i would give thes mushies another try at about 10 grams tops and maybe I could have a little control over myself next time. all I got to say is dont underestimate legal drugs....salvia kicked my butt too

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2010Views: 10,195
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Amanitas (5) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5)

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