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Libido Was Unchanged
Vardenafil (Levitra)
Citation:   Toadstool. "Libido Was Unchanged: An Experience with Vardenafil (Levitra) (exp50949)". May 15, 2016.

  oral Vardenafil
First Experiment With Levitra

I'm a male in my early 20s who got curious about trying an ED drug. I can get erections, but I masturbate and/or have sex a lot, so it takes a lot to get it up and it's hard to maintain. I've never had Viagra or Cialis, but I understood this was somewhat in the middle of those two in terms of potency/length.

The pill was 20mg, a name-brand tablet. It's supposed to take an hour to kick in, then give you about a 16 hour 'window'. I was worried because as a teen, when Viagra was new, I heard horror stories (gossip, but believable) about guys our age trying it and getting painful throbbing erections that didn't go away for hours. Moreoever the maker's website says 10mg (once per day maximum) is the starting dose for most men.

So twice the dose at my age was a little scary. I wanted to break the pill in half, but it's not a solid scored tablet like Xanax or Adderall. It's more like an OC - it's got this time-release (I presume) coating, then the half-solid half-powdered white chemical inside. I rubbed off a tiny piece of the coating to discover this. Since I couldn't break it, I nibbled off about 1/4th of the pill (4 or 5mg).

Beforehand I purposely masturbated for a long time so I would know if the Levitra was responsible for any erection. It sure was too! It kicked in extremely fast, within probably a minute. Just for the record I'm sure it's much safer to get a pill with the dose you want so you can leave the coating on.

But it worked out pretty well - I almost immediately started getting hard and it was throbbing within another minute. That was without any mental/physical stimulation. I then masturbated for a while and found that my libido was unchanged. If I got into it, the erection was powerful and enjoyable, but if I calmed down it started to go away. I finished that, then over the next three hours repeated that process twice. Each time I got a good erection, far stronger and easier than normal, but each time less intense than before.

It's been about 9 hours now and the effect is completely worn off. Its was an interesting experience, but the penis isn't something to risk hurting by taking too much of this stuff.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2016Views: 2,601
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Vardenafil (741) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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