Allergic Reaction
Citation:   Momo, the legendary. "Allergic Reaction: An Experience with Codeine (exp51809)". Jun 2, 2007.

T+ 0:00
7.5 ml oral Codeine (liquid)
  T+ 24:00 7.5 ml oral Codeine (liquid)
I've never taken many pharmaceutical pills in my life, nothing I haven't needed as per a medical doctor's orders. The past week I was on amoxycillin for 2 days, then clindamycin 450mg/4times day. I have tonsilitis. It's my first time. It sucks. Anyways, I had a fever for days, I couldn't sleep. I had slept for a total of 7/120 hours. My doctor prescribed Cotridin. 5-10ml before bed, with lots of water.

I complied for two nights. The morning of wednesday I awoke to find the top half of my body covered in hives. Turns out I'm one of the unlucky few who's allergic to codeine. Luckily, the hives are light, and not too itchy. I've been taking some Bendadryl to help with the itching, and of course I immediately discontinued use of the Cotridin.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51809
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2007Views: 18,648
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Codeine (14) : Medical Use (47), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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